31 Stop Hurting Us Poems: Giving Voice to Pain Injustice

“Stop Hurting Us Poems” courageously raise their voice against pain and injustice, advocating for empathy and understanding. Through poignant verses, these poems aim to create awareness, promote healing, and inspire positive change, urging society to embrace compassion and put an end to the suffering endured by many.

Stop Hurting Us Poems


Enough is enough,

Our patience has worn thin.

We cannot take any more

Of the pain you inflict on us.

Stop hurting us, we beg,

Our hearts can’t take the strain.

We long for peace and love,

But you bring only tears and pain.

Our spirits are broken,

But still, we hold on to hope.

That one day, you’ll see the light,

And the hurting will finally stop.

Silent Scream

The pain we feel is real,

But we keep it locked inside.

We hide behind our smiles,

And our tears we try to hide.

We scream out in silence,

Hoping someone will hear.

But the hurt goes on and on,

And our hearts are filled with fear.

Stop hurting us, we cry,

Can’t you see the damage you do?

Our hearts are shattered,

And our souls are black and blue.

Invisible Scars

You hurt us with your words,

And the scars are deep inside.

We try to hide the pain,

But it’s impossible to hide.

We may seem strong,

But the truth is we’re not.

The hurt you cause us,

Is something we haven’t forgot.

Stop hurting us, we plea,

Can’t you see the damage you’ve done?

Our scars may be invisible,

But the pain is far from gone.

Broken Pieces

Our hearts are like shattered glass,

Pieces scattered all around.

You hurt us over and over,

But still, we can’t be found.

We try to put the pieces back,

But it’s a battle we can’t win.

The pain you cause us daily,

Is like a dagger to our skin.

Stop hurting us, we plead,

Let us pick up the pieces in peace.

We want to heal and move on,

And the hurt to finally cease.

Lingering Pain

The pain you cause us lingers,

Long after you’ve gone away.

It’s like a poison in our veins,

That won’t let us live another day.

We try to push it aside,

But the hurt won’t go away.

We want to find some peace,

But you keep causing pain every day.

Stop hurting us, we pray,

Let us live our lives in peace.

We don’t want to feel this pain,

And our hearts can’t take another piece.

Tears of Pain

Our tears fall like rain,

From the pain you’ve caused inside.

We try to wipe them away,

But they won’t be denied.

We want to smile again,

And to laugh without a care.

But the hurt you bring us daily,

Is more than we can bear.

Stop hurting us, we plead,

Let us live our lives in peace.

We don’t want to feel this pain,

And our hearts can’t take another piece.

The Cycle of Pain

The hurt you cause us daily,

Is like a never-ending cycle.

We try to break free,

But it’s like we’re trapped in a spiral.

We want to end the pain,

And to find a way to heal.

But you keep hurting us,

And the cycle starts again, it’s surreal.

Stop hurting us, we beg,

Let us break free from this pain.

We want to live our lives in peace,

And to find some happiness again.

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Short Stop Hurting Us Poems

“Short Stop Hurting Us Poems” passionately advocate for empathy and healing, urging an end to pain and injustice in concise and impactful verses. These powerful poems shed light on the call for compassion, standing as a testament to the resilience of those who seek understanding and change.

Stop the Pain

Stop the pain that cuts so deep,

The wounds that never fully heal,

The scars that never seem to sleep,

The heart that cannot fully feel.

We beg and plead for you to see,

The damage that you’ve caused inside,

To recognize our agony,

And let our hearts and souls abide.

No More Tears

No more tears, no more pain,

No more fear of you again,

We’re standing strong, we’re standing tall,

We won’t let you make us fall.

Your words and deeds can’t break us now,

We’ve found the strength to break free somehow,

No more hurting, no more strife,

We’re taking back control of our life.

Enough is Enough

Enough is enough, we’ve had our fill,

Of the hurt and pain that you instill,

We won’t stand idly by and take,

The abuse that you continue to make.

It’s time to stand up and be heard,

To speak out with every single word,

To let you know that we won’t back down,

Until you stop making us wear this crown.

Broken Hearts

Our hearts are broken, shattered and torn,

From the pain and hurt that we’ve borne,

We pray and hope for a brighter tomorrow,

Where we can heal from all of this sorrow.

But until then, we’ll stand as one,

Our voices rising, until the day is done,

We won’t back down, we won’t give in,

Until the healing can truly begin.

Enough Pain

Enough pain, enough hurt,

We can’t take it anymore,

Our spirits are bruised, our souls are dirt,

From all the wounds that you have bore.

But we won’t let you break us down,

We’ll rise above and wear our crown,

We’ll take control and stand our ground,

Until the hurt and pain is no longer found.

Stop Hurting Us Poems

Broken Stop Hurting Us Poems

“Broken Stop Hurting Us Poems” poignantly express the pain and anguish of those who have suffered from cruelty and oppression. In heartfelt verses, these poems call for an end to the cycle of hurt, seeking healing and justice for those whose spirits have been shattered.

Shattered Dreams

Broken promises, shattered dreams,

We’re left here with heart-wrenching screams.

Our trust is shattered, our hopes are dashed,

Why must our pain be so unabashed?

Stop hurting us with your careless ways,

It’s time to heal these broken days.

Let’s mend the fractures, piece by piece,

And build a new foundation of peace.

Mending Hearts

Our hearts are broken, our spirits low,

But we refuse to let the pain grow.

We’ll mend the cracks, we’ll heal the wounds,

And rise above these shattered ruins.

Stop hurting us with your thoughtless deeds,

We’re more than just your broken beads.

We’ll shine anew, we’ll rise up strong,

And sing a hopeful, healing song.

Broken Wings

Our wings are broken, we cannot fly,

But we won’t let our dreams die.

We’ll learn to soar again one day,

And leave behind this painful fray.

Stop hurting us with your cruel words,

We won’t let them be our sword.

We’ll spread our wings and rise up high,

And reach for the bright, endless sky.

Tattered Souls

Our souls are tattered, our hearts in pain,

But we won’t let them be in vain.

We’ll stitch the pieces back together,

And find our way through stormy weather.

Stop hurting us with your callous ways,

We won’t let them darken our days.

We’ll rise above the brokenness,

And find our way to true happiness.

Fractured Hope

Our hope is fractured, our trust betrayed,

But we won’t let it fade away.

We’ll build it back, we’ll make it strong,

And prove that we can right the wrong.

Stop hurting us with your selfish greed,

We won’t let it be our creed.

We’ll rebuild what you’ve torn apart,

And show that hope can heal the heart.

Broken Promises

Broken promises, shattered dreams,

Why must our pain be so extreme?

We trusted you, we believed in you,

But now we’re left with nothing but rue.

Stop hurting us with your empty words,

We won’t let them be our swords.

We’ll move beyond this broken stage,

And find a path to turn the page.

Healing Brokenness

Brokenness can be our greatest test,

But we won’t let it steal our zest.

We’ll find the strength to heal and grow,

And let our scars become a glow.

Stop hurting us with your toxic ways,

We won’t let them dim our rays.

We’ll rise above the brokenness,

And find a way to true happiness.

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Sad Stop Hurting Us Poems

“Sad Stop Hurting Us Poems” eloquently voice the sorrow and despair caused by pain and mistreatment. These heartfelt verses advocate for empathy and change, urging society to address the wounds of others with compassion and understanding.

Painful Memories

Sadness lingers long

Beneath the surface of our hearts

Memories cut deep

A constant ache within

Reminding us of what was lost

The hurt never fades

Even as time marches on

We carry the weight

Of what could have been

If only the pain would cease

Broken Promises

Words once spoken true

Now hollow echoes of deceit

Promises broken

Trust shattered like glass

Leaving only hurt and pain

The scars run deep now

Etched forever in our souls

We’re left to pick up

The pieces of our hearts

And heal from all the brokenness

Bitter Tears

Tears fall like raindrops

Drowning out the pain we feel

Bitter and salty

The ache of heartbreak

Echoes through our very bones

We try to move on

But the hurt lingers still

Leaving us with scars

That ache with every breath

A reminder of what was lost

Lonely Nights

The silence echoes

Through the halls of empty hearts

Loneliness abounds

The ache of missing

A love that’s no longer there

Night after night, we

Lie awake in empty beds

Longing for a touch

That may never come again

Leaving us with shattered dreams

Betrayal’s Sting

A heart once full of trust

Now shattered by betrayal’s sting

Pain rips us apart

A knife through the heart

Leaving us bleeding out the hurt

The lies once hidden

Now laid bare before our eyes

Leaving us to cope

With the wreckage of our trust

And the hurt that never fades

Heartfelt Stop Hurting Us Poems

“Heartfelt Stop Hurting Us Poems” deeply convey the emotional impact of hurt and injustice, urging for a world filled with kindness and empathy. Through poignant verses, these poems inspire healing and unity, advocating for a future where compassion prevails and pain is replaced with understanding.

Stop the Violence

Stop the violence, the pain, the hurt

End the hate and the cruel words

We are all human, we all bleed

Why can’t we love and let love be?

Our hearts ache with each blow

Our souls cry out for peace to flow

We are not enemies, we are one

Let’s unite and stop what’s been done.

Stop the Bullying

Stop the bullying, the taunts, the jeers

End the torment and the tears

We are all different, unique in our way

Why can’t we accept and embrace each day?

Our hearts break with each insult

Our spirits falter with each result

We are not targets, we are people too

Let’s stand up and say it’s not okay to do.

Stop the Racism

Stop the racism, the hate, the fear

End the division and the sneers

We are all brothers and sisters under the sun

Why can’t we respect and appreciate everyone?

Our hearts weep with each injustice

Our minds reel with each bias

We are not superior, we are equal in worth

Let’s acknowledge and celebrate our diversity and birth.

Stop the Abuse

Stop the abuse, the pain, the scars

End the power and the control that mars

We are all deserving of love and respect

Why can’t we break free from this toxic effect?

Our hearts shatter with each blow

Our bodies ache with each woe

We are not objects, we are human beings

Let’s stand up and say it’s not okay to demean.

Stop the Neglect

Stop the neglect, the abandonment, the neglect

End the neglect and the disregard that rejects

We are all worthy of attention and care

Why can’t we provide for each other and share?

Our hearts wilt with each isolation

Our minds falter with each deprivation

We are not burdens, we are souls in need

Let’s recognize and help each other to succeed.

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