Narrative poems are a form of poetry that tells a story. Unlike other types of poetry that may focus on abstract ideas or emotions, narrative poems have a clear plot and characters. They often use poetic devices such as rhyme, meter, and imagery to create a vivid and engaging story for the reader.

Narrative poems have a long history, dating back to ancient times when stories were passed down orally through poetry. Examples of narrative poems include epic poems such as The Odyssey and Beowulf, as well as more contemporary works such as Robert Frost’s “The Death of the Hired Man” and Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade.”

Narrative poems continue to be a popular form of poetry today and can be found in a variety of styles and genres.

Narrative Poems

“The Highwayman”

The highwayman came riding,

riding, riding,

The highwayman came riding,

up to the old inn-door.

He’d a French cocked-hat on his forehead,

a bunch of lace at his chin,

A coat of claret velvet,

and breeches of brown doe-skin.

“The Raven”

Once upon a midnight dreary,

while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious

volume of forgotten lore,

While I nodded, nearly napping,

suddenly there came a tapping,

As of someone gently rapping,

rapping at my chamber door.

“Annabel Lee”

It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of Annabel Lee;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

Than to love and be loved by me.

“The Lady of Shalott”

On either side of the river lie

Long fields of barley and of rye,

That clothe the wold and meet the sky;

And through the field the road runs by

To many-tower’d Camelot;

And up and down the people go,

Gazing where the lilies blow

Round an island there below,

The island of Shalott.

“The Charge of the Light Brigade”

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the guns!” he said:

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“The Pied Piper of Hamelin”

Hamelin town’s in Brunswick,

By famous Hanover city;

The river Weser, deep and wide,

Washes its wall on the southern side;

A pleasanter spot you never spied;

But when begins my ditty,

Almost five hundred years ago,

To see the townsfolk suffer so

From vermin, was a pity.

“The Walrus and the Carpenter”

The sun was shining on the sea,

Shining with all his might:

He did his very best to make

The billows smooth and bright—

And this was odd, because it was

The middle of the night.

The moon was shining sulkily,

Because she thought the sun

Had got no business to be there

After the day was done—

“It’s very rude of him,” she said,

“To come and spoil the fun!”

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Famous Narrative Poems

Famous Narrative Poems refer to poems that tell a story and have achieved widespread recognition for their literary excellence. These poems often feature well-developed characters, vivid descriptions, and a compelling plot that captures the reader’s imagination.

“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe,

Tells the tale of a bird that won’t go.

Repeating “Nevermore,” it haunts the night,

A chilling narrative that gives us fright.

“In Xanadu” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge,

A dreamlike poem, a vision so vivid.

The pleasure dome of Kubla Khan,

A paradise built by human hand.

“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot,

A post-war epic, a world in chaos.

Fragments of life and death weaved together,

A haunting reflection of our own endeavor.

“Beowulf” by an anonymous poet,

A heroic tale of a warrior so stoic.

Grendel and his mother, a fearsome pair,

Beowulf fights with courage, beyond compare.

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton,

A masterpiece that tells of man’s sin.

The fall of Satan, the creation of Earth,

A narrative that reflects man’s worth.

“The Charge of the Light Brigade” by Alfred Lord Tennyson,

A poem of war, a battle so brave.

Six hundred soldiers charging ahead,

Into the valley of death, they were led.

“Kubla Khan” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge,

A poem of imagination, a vision so bright.

A pleasure dome in Xanadu, a dream so right.

But interrupted by a visitor, the poet’s trance was broken,

Leaving the narrative of the unfinished poem unspoken.

Narrative Poems for Kids

Narrative Poems for Kids are poems that use storytelling to engage young readers and introduce them to the world of poetry. These poems are often fun, entertaining, and easy to understand, with catchy rhymes and engaging characters that children can relate to.

“The Little Red Hen”

Once there was a little red hen,

Who found some seeds in the den.

She asked for help from her friends,

But none of them wanted to lend.

She planted the seeds with her own beak,

And tended to them every week.

When the wheat was ready to reap,

Her friends wanted to take a heap.

But the little red hen said, “No,

I did this work, and so

I’ll keep the wheat for my own dough.”

And off she went to bake and glow.

“The Three Little Pigs”

Once upon a time, there were three pigs,

Who built their homes with different gigs.

One made of straw, one made of sticks,

And one made of bricks.

The big bad wolf came to huff and puff,

But the straw house was not enough.

The stick house fell down in a rough,

But the brick house was tough.

The pigs went inside and locked the door,

And the wolf couldn’t get in anymore.

He tried and tried, but was too sore,

And the pigs lived happily evermore.

“The Tortoise and the Hare”

Once a hare and tortoise had a race,

The hare thought he’d win with his pace.

He took a nap and fell asleep,

While the tortoise continued to creep.

The hare woke up to find,

That the tortoise was left behind.

He ran as fast as he could bind,

But the tortoise was not far behind.

In the end, the tortoise won the race,

And the hare learned at his own pace.

Slow and steady wins the chase,

And the hare never again did disgrace.

“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

There was a boy who lied a lot,

And people didn’t believe him in the lot.

He cried wolf too many times,

And they ignored him in his rhymes.

One day, the wolf really came,

But the boy’s lies left him in shame.

Nobody came to save his game,

And the wolf won his fame.

The boy learned his lesson well,

That lying is not a good sell.

And the truth is always the swell,

For it saves you from the hell.

“Jack and the Beanstalk”

Jack traded his cow for magic beans,

And his mother was not happy in the scenes.

She threw them out in a fit,

And Jack went to bed, feeling unfit.

The next day, he found a giant beanstalk,

That went up high, like a big rock.

He climbed and climbed, and didn’t balk,

Till he reached a castle, where he knocked.

The giant appeared and Jack ran away,

With a golden hen, and a harp to play.

He chopped down the beanstalk without delay,

And the giant fell down, never to sway.

“The Gingerbread Man”

Once a woman baked a gingerbread man,

Who ran away as fast as he can.

He said, “Run, run, as fast as you can,

You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”

He ran past a cow, a horse, and a fox,

And none of them could catch him in their blocks.

But the fox was smart, and said, “Let’s talk,

And I’ll help you cross the river’s dock.”

The gingerbread man jumped on the fox’s snout,

But the fox ate him up, with a loud shout.

And the gingerbread man was no more about,

For he couldn’t outrun his own doubt.

narrative poems

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Short Narrative Poems

Short Narrative Poems are poems that tell a complete story in a concise and condensed form. These poems are characterized by their brevity and economy of language, using minimal words to convey a powerful message or emotional impact.

“The Tale of the Lost Key”

I lost my key, oh woe is me

I searched high and low, but couldn’t see

Then a kind stranger, with a smile so wide

Returned my key, and restored my pride.

“The Mischievous Mouse”

A little mouse, so bold and sly

Snuck into the pantry, on the sly

But the cat was watching, with eyes so keen

And soon the mouse, was nowhere to be seen.

“The Butterfly’s Journey”

A butterfly flutters, in fields so green

A journey of beauty, seldom seen

From flower to flower, it dances with glee

Till the day it rests, upon a tree.

“The Lonely Tree”

A tree stands tall, in the meadow so wide

Its branches bare, with no one to confide

But the winds whisper secrets, in its ears

And the tree stands strong, for a hundred years.

“The Little Boat”

A little boat, upon the sea

With sails so white, it’s wild and free

Through stormy waters, it braves the tide

And reaches the shore, with pride.

“The Friendly Fox”

A fox so sly, with a coat so red

Met a boy, on a path he tread

They became friends, and roamed the hills

Till the fox found a mate, and parted with thrills.

“The Lost Kite”

A kite flew high, in the sky so blue

Till the wind changed course, and it bid adieu

It fell to the ground, with a woeful cry

And the child who lost it, let out a sigh

Best Narrative Poems

The Best Narrative Poems are works of poetry that have stood the test of time and continue to captivate readers with their compelling stories, memorable characters, and powerful messages. These poems have been celebrated for their ability to transport readers to other worlds, evoke deep emotions, and challenge our perspectives on life and the human experience.

“The Charge of the Light Brigade”

Cannon to right of them,

Cannon to left of them,

Cannon in front of them

Volleyed and thundered;

Stormed at with shot and shell,

Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of hell

Rode the six hundred.

“The Charge of the Light Brigade”

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the guns!” he said.

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

Let us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized upon a table;

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

“The Waste Land”

April is the cruellest month, breeding

Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

Memory and desire, stirring

Dull roots with spring rain.

Winter kept us warm, covering

Earth in forgetful snow, feeding

A little life with dried tubers.

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