Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. In this blog, I will be discussing about the different types of sorry messages and the reasons why we send them. I hope you enjoy reading this blog. Here are some sorry messages for loved ones!

Sorry Messages

  • I know I was wrong for claiming that I was right. I promise to always give your view a good look. Please accept my apologies.
  • I have done the heinous thing like breaking your trust and cannot tell how sorry I am. Please forgive me and give me another chance.
  • It was a terrible mistake from my end, but my intention was never to hurt anyone. Nevertheless, I apologize.
  • I am sorry for I am a broken pot. Let the beautiful hands of my dearest wife put me back to the best of shape.
  • One teardrop from your eyes hurts my heart like hell! I am sorry for taking you for granted!
  • The realization of what I have done cuts deeply into my soul and stabs my heart. I cannot justify my actions, but I regret them every moment. I beg your forgiveness and I hope you give me another chance.
  • You are better than me when it comes to these emotional issues. I am to rise up to your understanding. I am sorry for letting you down.
  • I will not let my ego and stupid mistakes to come between our beautiful friendship. I am sorry my friend. Please forgive me.
  • I love you my dear. I hope you can forgive me for my immature behavior earlier and I promise it will not be repeated. I am so sorry.
  • The last thing I want on this earth to drive you away. I am very much sorry my dear.
  • You are my destiny, but I have disrespected you with my behavior. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.
  • Being sorry is the first step to repentance, and repentance is the first step to being a better person. Please give me the chance to prove that I can be a better husband. I am sorry.
  • Sleepless nights fall over me as I am burdened with my stupidity. I am ashamed for the argument we have but not shy to say sorry to you my friend. Please accept my apology and meet again soon.
  • Forgive me for being so blind to your needs, my beautiful wife.
  • Your precious heart has been broken by the arrows of anger I hurled into it. I was not my self and the last thing I want to do is hurt you. When I hurt you, I have hurt myself even more. I pray that I will be allowed to make amends and heal any wounds I may have caused.
  • Despite our differences, I know we have a great future together and I can’t go there alone. Please forgive me, my eternal partner.
  • My selfishness has rocked the boat in our little stream, and I’m hoping that my apology will bring smooth sailing and sunny skies back to our marriage.
  • Never in a million years I can find someone besides me like you. I am sorry beautiful. Please accept my apology.
  • Reduce the distance and please let me come near to you. My heart is aching for you dear boyfriend. Sorry to hurt you.
  • I am sorry for the fight and feel utterly ashamed for the tears dropped from your eyes. Please forgive me love.
Sorry Messages

Sorry Messages for Friends

If you ever find yourself feeling sorry for your friend, you’re not alone. Sending a “sorry” message can be a really nice way to show your support, and help your friend feel better about themselves. Here are some of the best “sorry” messages for friends:

  • One of the reasons I married you because you have the prettiest and biggest heart and I hope you can forgive me with that heart of yours. I am so sorry wifey.
  • May this apology be like a soft blanket for you, my honey. Wrap yourself in its warmth and feel the softness of my heart as I make things right with you. I’m sorry!”
  • I know you are angry honey, but I want you to think about all the beautiful memories that have made us believe that we are meant to be. I am sorry.
  • Every time I see you hurt, my heart melts and breaks. Please forgive me so I can become a happy man again.
  • I am sorry for being so rotten. Dear, your forgiveness can mark the beginning of an entirely new phase of our life. Let us give this new start a chance.
  • Let me make it up to you. Today, I ask for forgiveness to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
  • I am not perfect and do mistakes like an ordinary person. I hope you can accept my apology and get rid of my guilt. Sorry, dear.
  • I’m very sorry for yelling at you, my love. I won’t make any excuses; rather, I’d admit my fault. I’m sorry.
  • I still trust in your big heart and the true love between us. Forgive me sweetie.
  • My heart says that it is weeping for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for all the wrongdoings. Sorry, my hero.
  • I know I could have been the best man in your life, but I am sorry that I failed. But failure is not always the end. Give me another chance.
  • Each tear that you cried was felt like it was my own. I can’t forgive myself for hurting you like that. I am really sorry.
  • For all the pains and headaches I have caused you, I intend to give you twice the joy and peace. Just let go of the past.
  • Many tears dropped from your eyes because of the way I hurt you. Today, I intend to convert every fallen tear of yours into a precious pearl. I am sorry.
  • You are a wonderful wife with a big heart. My heart hurts without you. Please forgive me and let me be in your heart once again.
  • I could go on with my life without one friend. But we have a precious connection I don’t want to lose. I know it’s cheesy, but I really am sorry, buddy.
  • Our fights are sweet memories to me but not those where I fight with you for the wrong reasons. Sorry dear friend.
  • Can I be the aspirin and drive away all the headache I have caused you earlier? Sorry, dear. Give me a hug please.
  • I don’t know if I’m worthy of the love and forgiveness from you. But still, Will you forgive me, my love?
  • I am sorry for all the wrong things I did. You are the best father in this world. Please forgive me. I love you, dad.

Check out these:

Sorry Messages for Husband

  • Every single second away from you, my wife, is like a dagger in my heart. Please accept my apology, for I can’t stand being apart.
  • I am sorry for what have I done, and I promise I will never cause pain in your heart. Please forgive me dear.
  • I can never think of hurting you intentionally, whatever I did I have done mistakenly. Please forgive me, I love you.
  • The last thing I want is to see you hurt because of me, so I want to own up to my errors. I’m sorry, love!
  • I love you and I promise the effort will be put by me to make our relationship stronger. I am sorry my pretty girl.
  • I love you the most, but I also happen to hurt you the most. My foolish actions will not be repeated, I promise! Please forgive me!
  • Without you, the sun doesn’t shine, and the stars have lost their sparkle. Please forgive me for acting out of my weakness rather than my strength.
  • For all the pains and headaches I have caused you, I promise to give you twice the joy and peace. Just let go of the past.
  • I am truly penitent, dear. Let me suffer the guilt of my wrongs, by working hard to pave a new path and prove myself to you once again.
  • I’m sorry for my mistake. I’ll make sure it never happens again. I sincerely apologize.
  • Nothing is right in this world if I can’t make this right. Please give me another chance to become a better version of myself. I am sorry, my dearest.
  • My dear wife, Please accept my apology and give me a chance to nurture our relationship, once again.
  • I don’t deserve such a precious friend like you! Forgive me because I miss you so bad!
  • Yours is the most beautiful compassionate soul I know. I yearn for your compassion. And there is nothing more beautiful than your love my sweetheart.
  • I’m so sorry for whatever I said, for whatever I did and I mean it I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, please forgive me!
  • I promise I will destroy every reason that brings tears to your eyes. Please forgive me this time. I am sorry.
  • No matter what happens, you will always remain my biggest priority. Will you forgive me for what I have done?
  • I have known you for long, and I know your heart is larger and deeper than any ocean. Would you forgive me? Your love feels like home to me. I want to come back home.
  • What I did was really awful of me and I deeply regret my actions towards you. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me!
  • The garden of our relationship is dried down by my ego and mistakes, but I promise I replenish it with my love. Sorry for all the fights. I love you dear husband.
Sorry Messages for Husband

Sorry Messages for Loved Ones

  • Big or small, lies are lies. I am ashamed that I made you cry. Please give me another chance, I want to be the man you deserve.
  • I promise I’ll try to control my temper next time. For now, will you please forgive me?
  • I am sorry for staying angry about silly things. Please accept my apology and let’s make our relationship stronger and purer dear boyfriend.
  • I miss that tender spot on your shoulder. You have no idea how painful my life is without you. I am sorry my honey.
  • Every time I remember that I hurt you, I feel guilt hanging all over me. I am now a captive of my deeds, and you have the keys to my prison door. Please forgive me.
  • Dear love! My life is beautiful because of you. All I ask is for a chance to prove myself so that my life becomes vibrant, once again.
  • Sorry for being aloof and making you feel that I don’t care for you. I promise to behave in a way that demonstrates our love – profound and true.
  • Love, I can wait a whole lifetime for you to forgive me. I will be waiting on my knees for you!
  • I hate seeing you sad, but I keep messing up! My love, I am terribly sorry for being the reason behind your tears!
  • As your husband, my job is to protect and cherish your heart, and sadly I have failed. Please give me a chance to try again, my sweetest wife.
  • I know I am not perfect and I make mistakes, but I am so glad that I have you to help pick me up when I fall down and help me grow into the best that I am.
  • I took for granted all our smiles, laughs, and memories. I promise I’ll never do it again, because they mean the world to me. I am sorry.
  • I’m sorry you had to see the darkest side of me. I still hope you’ll accept my flaws and forgive me.
  • With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with a sad soul and a head hung low. I apologize to you unconditionally my wife. I am really very sorry and I love you.
  • We can only become better when we learn from our mistakes and faults. I hope you will allow me to be a better husband by giving me that change to amend things.
  • A cute and loving man can’t be mad at me. I am sorry. Please forgive me and be normal again. I miss you. I will not repeat this mistake again.
  • Please accept my heartfelt apology and give me another chance. I promise I will make up all the moments I have ruined before.
  • Sorry for hurting you baby, I never meant to be so heartless. Please forgive me, because without your love, I am a man lost, without his queen.
  • I am the reason why my king has not given me a hug or kisses in the last few days, but I cannot endure this pain anymore. Sorry for hurting you, dear husband. Please give me a smile.
  • I am sorry for letting ridiculous things come between us. You are my better half, and I promise to improve if you will give me one more chance.

Check out these:

What are some of the best I’m sorry messages?

  • Sorry for the unnecessary argument I have created between us. I promise I will never do it again. Please accept my apology sweetheart.
  • My ears are longing to hear your words of trust in who I really am. I promise never to do it again, my precious wife.
  • I haven’t slept well, I haven’t eaten properly, and I haven’t shaved. You bring life to my world.
  • Baby, I promise you that I will be more considerate from now on. I am very sorry!
  • My sweet angel, how could I have been so thoughtless? Please give me a chance to repair what I damaged. I ask for your forgiveness, my dearest wife.
  • Babe, my apology is as sincere as my “I love you’s”. I am deeply sorry for treating you poorly!
  • I made a mistake because I am only human. But I want my love to feel like home to you.
  • Without you I am nothing. I miss your touch. I miss our moments. And I miss you. Please forgive me. I’m sorry.
  • I am the reason you do not have a smile on your face anymore and it is eating me inside. I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Please forgive me my friend and smile for me.
  • My lousy attitude has created an ugly stain on our marriage. I pray that time and forgiveness can wash it away. I’m sorry for being so rude to you.
  • My deflated ego says sorry to your big kind heart. I will wait for your forgiveness for forever.
  • It is impossible to change the past, you have my promise to make it up to you in the future. I am truly sorry.
  • Let’s get over the past together and set up a new lease of faith and love. I am sorry and I know we will win.
  • My eyes moisten at the memory of seeing you hurt. My heart breaks at the thought of losing you. I am filled with regret. I am sorry my sweetest for what I have done.
  • Give me a chance to show that you are my life’s most precious treasure. I love you and I am sorry.
  • Your beautiful smile has been hiding lately, and I know I am the reason. I am sorry for taking you for granted. You are an amazing wife, and I love you.
  • I want to sincerely apologize for my behavior. I acknowledge my fault and promise never to do it again. I’m very sorry.
  • I never want to lose sight of what’s truly important – and that’s you! I am so sorry and I promise never to let you down.
  • I know you have the right to be angry. But being your husband, I too have the right to prove myself until you accept my apology. I am sorry sweetheart.
Sorry Messages

How do you say I am sorry in a formal way?

  • More than what I did, I am ashamed of who I have become. Please forgive me and I promise you will see the best of me in the time to come.
  • I am so sorry for making you question your choices. Take my hand, and let’s walk side by side again.
  • Sometimes I act immature and do say harsh words to you. But I swear I do not mean them at all. I am sorry for hurting you butterfly.
  • My heart is bare before you, my wife, and I know you can see my pain. I was foolish to hurt you, and I promise never to do it again.
  • Our fight was terrible. It hurts me and I know it hurts you too. Honestly, I have no idea how to heal your heart but let me begin by saying I am sorry and please show me the way.
  • I am sorry that I failed you. But my mistakes have taught me to hold fast and cherish the most precious person of my life.
  • I can’t imagine losing a friend like you. I’m sorry for hurtful words and actions. I’m truly sorry, friend.
  • Please forgive me for not living up to the vows I made to you on our wedding day. I promise to give you my all.
  • I feel ashamed of the way I acted. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’m very sorry for hurting you. Will you forgive me, please?
  • If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel, my message would run into pages. To cut a long story short, I am really sorry, my dearest wife.
  • I miss your beautiful face hovering over mine and coming in for that special goodnight kiss. Please let me make everything up to you dear.
  • For all the memories we share, for all the smiles we have, it breaks my heart to see you sad. I am so sorry baby.
  • We are two headstrong people with our own minds, which tells me that we can work this out if we try. Please forgive me, my dearest partner.
  • Please do not misunderstand me. I cannot intentionally hurt you in any situation. Sorry for all the mishappenings between us.
  • My amazing wife, your sweet love is worth everything. I am sorry and willing to give up all my stubbornness to have you fully return to me.
  • I’m sorry for all that I do. But I keep coming back to you. I’m sorry, my love, please forgive me.
  • I am saying sorry because our relationship is important to me. It does not matter to me anymore who is right and who is wrong. Hope you can feel it.
  • I feel sorry for making you mad, and I don’t want you to feel bad because of some foolish things I’ve said.
  • I know my apology isn’t enough to heal the wound I’ve caused. But I want you to know I truly am sorry.
  • Sometimes life drags me down, but that’s no reason to drag you down too. I love you, beautiful, and I hope you can forgive me.
  • I feel ashamed of the way I acted. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’m very sorry for hurting you. Will you forgive me, please?
  • If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel, my message would run into pages. To cut a long story short, I am really sorry, my dearest wife.
  • I miss your beautiful face hovering over mine and coming in for that special goodnight kiss. Please let me make everything up to you dear.
  • For all the memories we share, for all the smiles we have, it breaks my heart to see you sad. I am so sorry baby.
  • We are two headstrong people with our own minds, which tells me that we can work this out if we try. Please forgive me, my dearest partner.
  • Please do not misunderstand me. I cannot intentionally hurt you in any situation. Sorry for all the mishappenings between us.
  • My amazing wife, your sweet love is worth everything. I am sorry and willing to give up all my stubbornness to have you fully return to me.
  • I’m sorry for all that I do. But I keep coming back to you. I’m sorry, my love, please forgive me.
  • I am saying sorry because our relationship is important to me. It does not matter to me anymore who is right and who is wrong. Hope you can feel it.
  • I feel sorry for making you mad, and I don’t want you to feel bad because of some foolish things I’ve said.
  • I know my apology isn’t enough to heal the wound I’ve caused. But I want you to know I truly am sorry.
  • Sometimes life drags me down, but that’s no reason to drag you down too. I love you, beautiful, and I hope you can forgive me.