April Fool Messages

  • In the times when we all are surrounded with stress and tensions, having a day like April Fool’s Day is so much essential.
  • So, it’s finally that day again huh? When everyone is afraid to believe anything, because everything they say seems a lie, everyone is pranking one another, just waiting for the right moment to get them… good luck to all of you fools!
  • Teasing and fooling your girlfriend on April fool day is surely the most awaited thing. Send her a beautiful April fool text message to fool her in the most surprising and funny way.
  • The moment you see this message, your back button will stop working, and your Facebook profile will be hacked instantly. Wait, did you click on your back button? Congratulations! You’ve been made an April fool!
  • If people call you crazy then don’t believe them….. If people call you stupid then believe them because they are saying it all right….. A Happy Fool’s Day to you.
  • We live during the end of time when babies are born with no teeth, and people read messages with no brain. Such a difficult time to live!
  • You can laugh all day long and nobody will say you’re crazy. You can make fun of your friends and family, but nobody will be offended. That’s the beauty of this day. Wish you a great mood and many-many funny jokes!
  • Having online studies is the most amazing way of studying as you never know how much have really studied. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • You can’t read this message with one eye closed. Just kidding! Of course, you can be stupid. I was trying to make you a fool, and look how easy it was!
  • I have so many things to say to you. But I want you to prepare yourself first to hear what I have to say. Ok, now go in front of a mirror. What do you see? The first person to become an April fool by me!
  • We’re so busy and serious that there’s no place for childish laugh in our life. But sometimes it’s really necessary to relax for a while and take this life with humor. It’ll give your life a fresh coat of paint. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • The occasion of April Fool’s Day reminds us all to use our creative side to play pranks on others. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Scientists have finally been able to spot the difference between a man and a monkey….. Man sends messages and monkey reads messages….. Have a wonderful Fool’s Day.
  • Today, don’t believe if someone says ‘I love you’ to you. Everyone will try hard to make you fool today because it’s so easy to make you a fool!
  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, I wish that you play the most innovative pranks on everyone us. Warm wishes on April Fool’s Day to you.
  • Today is the day when you can be really proud of yourself for being a foolish. Let us have a fantastic April Fool’s Day.
  • If April fool had an official face, it would be you. Anyone can make a fool of you out of nothing. The real fun of April fool still exists because of people like you!
  • There is something so much fun about playing pranks on people around you. Happy April Fool’s Day to everyone.
  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, we must learn to not laugh at fools because sometimes they are also correct.
  • Your presence in my life is just as much important as the 32nd day of March. I really love you so much.
  • People affected by coronavirus can’t do more than 5 pushups. I have tried, and I think I am ok. Please try this, my friend. Your health matters a lot to me! And yes, Happy April 1st off course!
  • Dearest dad, you may not know but you are truly lucky to have me and I am not saying this because it is April Fool’s Day today.
  • Tomorrow, don’t believe if someone tells you that the sun rises east and sets at the west. Just tell them that the sun never rises or sets; it always remains at the same place!
  • I have fallen in love with someone else, and I am thinking of finally telling you everything about it on April 1st. So that you don’t take this matter seriously!
  • There is a virus who just entered your brains but he died because he failed to find any brains inside your head…. Happy April Fool’s Day dear.
  • On this wonderful day I want to thank you for showing me that I’m not the stupidest man on the planet. I highly appreciate it, mate. Just kidding! But you have to admit that we could be smarter.
april fool messages

April fool Messages for Friends

  • I just wanted to say that you are the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen. I can’t keep it a secret anymore. There’s something else I wanted to tell you… Happy April Fools!
  • I got severe headache last night and my doctor prescribed me to write send a stupid message to some foolish person and that’s what I just did.
  • It’s impossible to stay boring and frowning when spring is all over the place! I wish you to spend this wonderful sunny day laughing together with your friends and family and just enjoying the atmosphere!
  • The day for the pro prankers is finally here, you know, it’s like a second birthday for them, they get to do what they love and they can’t be judged for that, this is why I love April fool’s day! And of course don’t forget the fools!
  • Swallowing 5 chewing gums a day makes your skin softer and more glowing. So, next time you buy chewing gums, swallow them whole instead of chewing! Happy April 1st!
  • If you can say APRIL without your lips touching, you are, in fact, one of the few people who can never be fooled on April 1st. Try it now!
  • There is no harm in being a fool and that’s what the occasion of April Fool’s Day reminds us all. Warm wishes on April Fool’s Day to you.
  • I may forget to wish you on birthday, Christmas or even New Year day. But I am very thankful to God that I never forget to wish you on this special day dedicated for people like you. Happy April fool!
  • Some people say that April Fool’s day is the funniest day of the year. Others say that it is the day of sick and cruel jokes. I don’t know what your point of view is, but I wish you a lot of hearty laugh and true happiness.
  • I’m sure nobody will escape your amazing sense of humor today. Make them all laugh so hard that they would remember this day for the rest of the year! Happy April Fool’s day!
  • There is only one reason because of which you are not able to finish your work and that’s because you never do it. Happy April Fool’s Day to my coworkers.
  • If your palm is bigger than your face then you are born with a smart brain and if you just tried that then you know who you are. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Mate! I’ve just won a whole lot of money in the lottery, and we’re going on a trip to Europe! I’m obviously taking you with me. Did you believe me? Okay, at least I’ve tried. Hope we’ll survive this crazy day. Happy April Fool’s, buddy!
  • Listen, I think I’m ready to confess. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I know you are my friend, but I just can’t help it… I’m joking, you weirdo! Happy April Fools’!
  • Today is only for you. You’ll be celebrated throughout the day and be praised for all your glorified foolishness. Happy April 1st, my love!
  • The best prank on someone would be a no prank kind of a prank to leave them confused. Happy April Fool’s Day to all.
  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, let us not miss on the chance of playing pranks on people without worrying about them getting mad at us.
  • We have known each other for so long, don’t you think we can be more than just being friends? Cos I really do love you, I need you to stay beside me. Will you be my partner for a bank robbery? Happy April fool day!
  • April Fool’s day is an incredible holiday, because actually nothing special happened this day, but, never the less, we all are cheerful and happy. Well, that’s right, because happiness doesn’t need any reasons.
  • Everyone loves good jokes and great sense of humor. And today is the day when we can show our talent and make our nearest and dearest laugh brightly. Happy April Fool’s day!

Check out these:

Funny April fool Messages

  • For me, April Fool’s day is not the day of making fools out of my friends and family. On the contrary, this day gives a wonderful opportunity to cheer them up and make a little bit happier.
  • You might have enjoyed your day to the fullest. And why won’t you? After all, it’s April 1st, the day in every year when you get to feel like the king, the king of fools to be more specific!
  • Today is April Fool’s day, but I hope you won’t get fooled. Instead, try to make your nearest and dearest laugh from harmless and funny pranks.
  • As is known, laughter makes us live longer. So stop being so serious and relax at least for a day! Enjoy playing jokes and laughing!
  • If there is one thing in this world that makes you special then it has to be your smile. Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Every year has a day for parents, a day for friends, a day for lovers, and a day for you! Do you the day? It’s April 1st, my love!
  • I am the greatest joke this world has ever made so I don’t think you’ll see anything funnier than my life today. I hope you’re laughing now because we both know that making fun of me is the best thing in the world. Happy April Fools’!
  • Humans fall in love but what is strange is that monkeys can actually handle mobile phones….. Happy April Fool’s Day foolish.
  • A very Happy April Fool’s Day to all. Let us make the most intelligent people know that they are also a little foolish sometimes.
  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, we must work intelligently to prove that others are fools and have some good fun. Happy April Fool’s Day to all.
  • I hope this day will become a day to remember. Not because you’ll get fooled, but because it will bring you many positive emotions. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • You are so lucky to have me, because I’m the only person who can save you from being pranked every second of this day. For the record: your back is not white and will never be. Happy April Fools’!
  • You really need a smart and intelligent message to fool your dearest wife and to do it in a special way; you must send her a sweet and funny April fool text message which can make her smile.
  • Wishing everyone on the occasion of April Fool’s Day. It is good to be foolish otherwise the world would become such a boring place to live.
Funny April fool Messages

What are some funny April fool’s Day messages?

  • It’s that time of the month again… April fool’s day! When people end up in the hospital with heart attacks hearing the words “I’m pregnant, and it’s yours” or “it’s over!” and it is actually being over, when the other person thinks it’s a joke.. ahu best day ever!
  • Today the doctor told me I was ill and there was nothing that could help me. I’m dying… Dying laughing! Ha-ha! Happy April Fool’s day!
  • I like April Fool’s Day, because it makes me smile and laugh. The only reason why I hate this day is that your jokes are always better than mine. How do you do it, man? Ha-ha, just kidding… There are no jokes better than mine.
  • breaking news! a new island called fool’s paradise has been discovered, and it has been named after you. the residents of the island are demanding a visit from you on april 1st,
  • I might have not wished you on Holi or Diwali, Christmas or New Year but I want to wish you on the most special day of the year for you….. Happy April Fool’s Day to you.
  • You are the inspiration for everyone on this special day. April Fools was made for you. You represent this day; you are the official face of this day. Thank you for being a true role model.
  • It’s your professional holiday again! Happy April Fools, buddy. I hope you will feel better knowing that you are not alone, there are people just like you, and this day were made for you.
  • A fool is always a fool and therefore, the date doesn’t matter….. But still I want to wish you on April 1st a very Happy Fool’s Day!!!
  • April Fool’s day is a great reason to be less serious and become carefree children to some extent. Wish you a lot of funny and harmful pranks today!
  • Just wanted to tell you that I will be leaving for Mexico soon. I have decided that I need to free myself from everyday routine and find a peace of mind… I’m not actually. But it’s April Fools, so I just had to try to confuse you.
  • Prepare for a lot of hilarious jokes and genius pranks, because it’s April Fools’ day! You can’t escape my brilliant evil mind, so don’t even try it. Can wait to see you and show what real pranks look like.
  • A cup of milk, 2 spoons of sugar and some melted chocolates…… do you want to know what I am making? I am making a fool out of you! Happy April 1st!
  • No matter how hard you try, you can never touch the tip of your nose with your tongue. Congratulations! What a disgusting, stupid fool you are!
  • Today I wish you to have funny jokes and make everyone around you smile and laugh. You’re really good at it. Happy April Fool’s day!

Check out these:

How to surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend on April fool’s Day?

  • If you feel a little stressed and worried, bite the tip of your middle finger. It’s a scientifically proven trick of anxiety management, especially effective for April fools around the world.
  • Scientists have discovered that fat people appear to be slim when they look at themselves through the mirror from a distance of exactly 3 feet. The news of this groundbreaking discovery came on April 1st, last year!
  • Breaking News! Scientists have confirmed the outbreak of a new virus that may affect people of all ages worldwide right at the beginning of April this year. Once attacked by the virus, patients cannot sleep without closing their eyes. Be very careful!
  • I am feeling so excited to let you know that I’m getting married on the 32nd of March this year. I’ll be so happy if you attend the ceremony.
  • Happy April Fools to the weirdest kid I know. But I love it, because I’m a weirdo too. We are a match made in heaven, I guess. Do you want to prank someone and get in trouble? I’m down for it, just text me and I’ll be on my way.
  • You should know that you’ll face a lot of evil jokes and lies this day, that’s why I want to be the only honest person in your surroundings and tell you the truth. You’re the most horrible man I’ve ever met and I hope I’ll never see you again. Ha-ha, I’m just kidding! Happy April Fool’s day!
  • If laugh makes our life longer, then April Fool’s day is a great opportunity to provide us with a happy and long day full of positive emotions. Feel free to joke and don’t get offended if someone plays tricks on you. Wish you a good mood!
  • If you’re tired – just laugh, because 5 minutes of laugh are considered as an hour of rest. If you’re sad – just laugh and your sadness will go away. Laugh is a panacea for everything. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • I feel the happiest to wish you on the most special day of your life and that is today….. May you always entertain us with your stupidity…. Happy Fool’s Day!!!
  • For those who say that they can never cry. Let me throw a stone at your face and then we will see. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Some people can’t distinguish a harmful joke from a cruel prank. I hope you’re not this kind of person and all your jokes are really funny!
  • By the way, studies showed that all fools use their THUMB when they read SMS. Now it’s too late, don’t bother to change your finger! Another fool detected!
  • Attention, danger! Laughing gas is everywhere and you should beware. If you breathe it into your lungs, you won’t stop laughing till the end of the day. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • Friends are always partners in crime and 1st April is incomplete without fooling them. As they know you too well, you really need the best and loveliest text message to fool them in an extra ordinary way.
april fool messages

Should April fool’s day become an official holiday?

  • April Fool’s day is famous for its pranks and sick jokes. But I want you to remember this day for the joy and laugh it will bring you. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • April fool’s day is a horror day for people who don’t know how to prank, or fool anyone, because when they try, it backfires, and they end up being the fools, pro tip: go to google and just read something useful about April fools, trust me it helps!
  • I’m not texting you any kind of jokes today, because our friendship is already a one giant joke. I love you anyway. But I do think that we need to be more serious from time to time. Behave.
  • I always keep your pictures in my purse. Whenever I am in problem, I simply look at it and feel that if I can handle you then I can handle any problem in the world. Loss.
  • You are so stylish but you are also very foolish and on April 1st I want to you that you are the best foolish I know.
  • Security Alert!!! This Message contains a malicious virus that may interfere with your personal information stored on this device! PRESS DOWN IMMEDIATELY! Thanks for giving us access to your device!
  • April Fools should be the most important day of the year. Are you ready to prank someone? I’ve been waiting for it for so long. I don’t care if you want to do it or not, I’m on my way. We’re getting in trouble today.
  • True love is like a pillow which you can hug when you feel depressed and use as a shoulder to cry on and embrace when you are elated. So when you need love, just spend a few bucks to buy a pillow.
  • You might forget this day which is celebrated just for people like you but I will always be there to wish you on Fool’s Day!!!
  • Hard work may be the key to success but that is one key that you do not know that exists. Happy April Fool’s Day to you.
  • Have you seen the moon yet? It’s the most beautiful moon ever. Just look up in the sky and ……. Keep looking until you see the moon rising!
  • You think you are the best at pranks huh? You thing you can fool people that easily without them getting back at you? Well, I have to say… You are absolutely right, because people these days are cowards, keep up the good work!
  • Every day we wake up in the morning, go to work and it seems that nothing will change. It’s such a routine. But there’s one day, when we can return to our childhood and forget about dull adult life for a while. Have fun and a happy April Fool’s day to you!
  • I hope you are ready for my pranks, because I prepared some amazing things for you, buddy. I hope you’ll survive this day and end up with no serious injuries. Happy April Fools’ day, mate!
  • I might make a joke at you, but I think you’ll have enough of them this day. That’s why I just wish you a good day full of fun and laugh!
  • Happy April fool’s day! umm, just a tip: check your toilet, sink, fridge, plates, phone, everything that can be touched, don’t leave the house, just lay in your bed, wrapped in your blanket and hope for the best…
  • Congratulations! You’ve got 50% off in any online shopping on 1st April 2021. Use your voucher called ‘April Fool’ and your name as the secret code!
  • This is the first day of April and you should spend this day as good as it’s possible. If you’re in a cheerful and happy mood, then this mood will follow you during the whole month. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • Sometimes we don’t need any special reason to smile. We smile just because we feel fine. So may your life be filled with laugh and joy all year round!
  • I hate this day! I’ve been a victim of sick jokes several times already! They doused me with a bucket of cold water, ripped my pants and broke my leg! But despite my helpless condition, I’m still able to joke. Ha-ha, happy April Fool’s day, dude!
  • April first is just like any other spring morning, you wake up, do what you got to do, but then you remember… it’s April fool’s day, and on that day there are two types of people, some fool others for laughs, prank them and just have fun, others lock their doors, windows, turn of their phones and just wait for the day to end.
  • April Fool’s day is the day when you can play tricks on everyone as much as you want, unless someone of them will play a trick on you. Be on a guard and don’t let them take away your crown of the King of jokes!
  • Happy April Fool’s Day to everyone. There is something so much fun and amazing about this day that makes us all smile and laugh.
  • There are a lot of languages on our planet, but laugh is the language that doesn’t need any translation and can be understood by everyone. Happy April Fool’s day!
  • Today you should be very careful. Today everything depends on you, so you should decide whether you will be get fooled or you’ll make fools out of them!