31 Best Short Narrative Poems

Short narrative poems, also known as ballads or lyric poems, are a type of poetry that tells a story in a concise and evocative manner. They often use a simple and rhythmic structure, with stanzas or verses that are typically four lines long and follow a pattern of rhyme and meter. The narratives can be about anything, from historical events and epic tales to personal experiences and emotions. Short narrative poems have a long and rich history in literature, and continue to be popular among poets and readers alike for their ability to capture the essence of a story in a compact and memorable form.

Short Narrative Poems

The Lonely Sailor

The lonely sailor set to sea,

With only waves for company,

His heart was heavy with regret,

As he left his love without a fret.

The wind was wild and fierce that night,

He held on tight with all his might,

The waves were crashing all around,

His ship was lost and never found.

Now in the ocean he does roam,

A ghostly figure far from home,

His love still waits upon the shore,

But he will never see her more.

The Lost Child

The lost child wandered all alone,

With no one there to guide him home,

He cried out for his mother’s love,

But heard no voice from up above.

The forest was so dark and deep,

And all around he heard strange creep,

He shivered in the cold and rain,

And prayed for light to ease his pain.

But then a hand reached out to him,

A stranger with a gentle grin,

He took the child into his care,

And brought him safely to his lair.

The lost child never did forget,

The kind stranger he had met,

And though he never saw him again,

He knew his love would always remain.

The Brave Knight

The brave knight rode out to fight,

His sword was sharp, his armor bright,

He left his lady with a kiss,

And rode off into the abyss.

The dragon loomed so tall and fierce,

Its fiery breath could make men pierce,

The knight did not show any fear,

He charged ahead with sword and spear.

The dragon roared and spat its flame,

The knight stood tall, he felt no shame,

He fought with all his might and skill,

Until the dragon lay there still.

The brave knight then returned in pride,

His lady welcomed him with a smile,

And though he never fought again,

His bravery forever did remain.

The Broken Heart

The broken heart lay heavy still,

Aching with a deepened chill,

The love he knew was lost and gone,

Leaving him with nothing to hold on.

The memories of her sweet embrace,

Forever left him in that place,

The pain he felt was hard to bear,

A heavy weight he had to wear.

He searched the world for love anew,

But never found one that was true,

His broken heart was all he had,

And memories of what once made him glad.

And so he lived his life alone,

With just his heart as his own,

And though he wished for love to find,

He knew it had been left behind.

The Last Goodbye

The last goodbye was hard to say,

As she watched him sail away,

Her heart was heavy with the pain,

Of knowing she may not see him again.

She stood there on the rocky shore,

Watching as his ship sailed more,

Until it was a speck in sight,

And then it vanished into the night.

The tears she cried were salty and wet,

As she thought of him she could not forget,

And though she knew he loved her so,

She also knew she had to let him go.

And so she stood there all alone,

Her heart aching for the love she’d known,

But though he was gone across the sea,

She knew he’d always be with her, in memory.

The Lonely Tree

Amidst the fields so green and wide,

A tree stood tall and dignified,

But though it seemed so strong and free,

It longed for some company.

The days went by, the seasons changed,

But still the tree remained estranged,

Until one day a sapling grew,

And now the tree had someone new.

No longer lonely, it could be,

The tree was happy, wild and free,

And though it stood just like before,

It felt so much richer, so much more.

The Fisherman’s Tale

A fisherman once sailed the seas,

His heart set on a catch to please,

But though he cast his line so true,

No fish would take his bait in lieu.

He waited long, he waited strong,

The sun beat down, the day was long,

But still he hoped and still he prayed,

For just one fish to grace his tray.

And then, just when he’d lost all hope,

His line went taut, he felt the rope,

And when he pulled it up with care,

A fish so big, so bright and fair.

He thanked the sea and all its might,

For giving him this wondrous sight,

And though he sailed the seas no more,

The fisherman’s tale lived on in lore.

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Short Narrative Poems For Kids

Short narrative poems for kids are poems that tell a story and are designed to engage and entertain children. These poems often have a simple and easy-to-follow rhyme scheme and are written in a style that appeals to young readers. The themes of these poems can vary widely, from silly and humorous to touching and heartwarming. Some common examples of short narrative poems for kids include classics like “The Owl and the Pussycat” by Edward Lear, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” by Robert Browning, and “The House That Jack Built” by Mother Goose. These poems are a great way to introduce children to the joys of poetry and storytelling, while also helping to develop their language and reading skills.

The Lost Kitten

Lost and alone,

In the dark of the night,

A tiny kitten,

With no one in sight.

She searched and searched,

For her home so dear,

But all she found,

Was sadness and fear.

Until one day,

A kind heart took her in,

And now she’s happy,

With a new family to begin.

The Magic Seed

In the garden one day,

A seed was found,

No one knew its magic,

Or where it was bound.

They planted it deep,

And waited with glee,

As a beautiful plant,

Grew for all to see.

It brought joy and wonder,

To all who passed by,

And they knew this magic seed,

Was a gift from the sky.

The Brave Little Ant

In the land of the ants,

Lived a brave little one,

Who ventured out alone,

To have some fun.

She met a grasshopper,

Who wanted to play,

But then came a storm,

And they ran away.

The little ant led,

The grasshopper to safety,

And they became friends,

For life and eternity.

The Lonely Cloud

Up in the sky,

Lived a lonely cloud,

Drifting all alone,

Without anyone around.

It wanted to be with,

The other clouds so white,

So it gathered its courage,

And soared with all its might.

It joined the other clouds,

And made new friends,

And the lonely cloud,

Was happy until the end.

The Little Bee

Buzzing through the fields,

A little bee did fly,

Searching for some flowers,

To land and say hi.

But she found no flowers,

To rest her tired wings,

Until she met a girl,

Who gave her sweet things.

Now the little bee,

Comes back every day,

To visit her friend,

And for some honey to stay.

Short Narrative Poems

Short Narrative Poems About Nature

Short narrative poems about nature are poetic works that tell a story or convey a message about the natural world. These poems often depict the beauty and power of nature, as well as the ways in which humans interact with and impact the environment. They can range in style from lyrical and descriptive to more structured and narrative-driven, and may be written in a variety of poetic forms. Common themes in these poems include the seasons, animals, landscapes, and the interconnectedness of all living things. Through their use of vivid imagery and sensory language, short narrative poems about nature invite readers to experience the wonder and awe of the natural world.

The Majestic Oak Tree

Beneath the sun’s warm rays,

The mighty oak tree sways,

Its branches stretched towards the sky,

As if reaching for something high.

Its leaves rustle in the breeze,

A symphony of nature’s ease,

The oak tree stands tall and proud,

Its roots buried deep in the ground.

For generations it has stood,

A symbol of strength and good,

A home for birds and bees,

And shelter from the summer’s heat.

So let us cherish this tree,

And all the wonders we see,

For nature is a gift so grand,

That we must strive to understand.

The Wandering River

A river runs through the land,

A winding path of golden sand,

Its waters flow through fields of green,

A sight so lovely, it’s rarely seen.

The river starts its journey small,

A trickle that grows into a sprawl,

Through rocks and rapids it does race,

A journey it must make with grace.

The river’s banks are rich and full,

A home to creatures great and small,

Fish and frogs, and birds that soar,

Nature’s beauty at its core.

So let us love this wandering river,

A symbol of life, a symbol of vigor,

For in its depths and on its shores,

Nature’s splendor forever more.

The Silent Forest

The forest stands so quiet and still,

A place so peaceful, it gives us chills,

Its canopy of leaves so thick and dense,

The sun’s rays struggle to make sense.

The forest floor is soft and brown,

A carpet of life that astounds,

Mushrooms and ferns, and flowers rare,

Nature’s beauty beyond compare.

The forest is a place of calm,

A place to breathe, to feel alive and warm,

The trees stand tall and proud and free,

A symbol of all that we can be.

So let us walk in this silent forest,

And feel its magic, its quiet chorus,

For nature’s gifts are many and grand,

And in its embrace we will always stand.

The Singing Birds

The birds sing a sweet melody,

A song so lovely, it sets us free,

Their feathers so bright and colorful,

A sight that’s truly wonderful.

They flutter and fly and glide and soar,

Their wings a symphony to adore,

The birds bring life to the sky,

A canvas so blue, it’s hard to deny.

The birds are messengers of hope,

A sign that nature can help us cope,

They remind us of all that’s right,

And give us the strength to take flight.

So let us listen to the singing birds,

Their melody like a soothing word,

For nature’s music is a balm so true,

That will always guide us through.

The Mighty Mountains

The mountains rise up to the sky,

A sight so grand, it catches the eye,

Their peaks touched by the sun’s warm rays,

A sight that takes our breath away.

The mountains stand so strong and true,

A symbol of nature’s mighty hue,

Their rocky cliffs and rugged terrain,

A beauty that we can’t explain.

The mountains are a place of peace,

A place where all our worries cease,

Their vastness reminds us of our place,

In nature’s grand and infinite space.

So let us love these mighty mountains,

Their beauty like a never-ending fountain,

For in their embrace, we find our soul,

And a connection that makes us whole.

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Short Narrative Poems About Love

Short narrative poems about love are poetic compositions that tell a story about a romantic relationship or experience. These poems often capture the intense emotions, complexities, and nuances of love in a concise and powerful way. They can range from the sweet and tender to the tragic and heartbreaking, exploring themes such as passion, devotion, jealousy, and loss. Examples of famous short narrative love poems include “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe, “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning, and “La Belle Dame sans Merci” by John Keats.

A Love Story

Once upon a time, we met by chance,

A glance, a smile, a furtive glance.

A spark ignited, and we fell in love,

Our hearts beating as one, like a dove.

We laughed and danced, under the moon,

Promising forever, never to swoon.

But time passed by, and we drifted apart,

Leaving behind a broken heart.

A Love That Lasts

Our love is like the sun, bright and strong,

Through all seasons, it lasts so long.

With every sunrise, our love grows,

As we cherish each other, as true love knows.

We walk hand in hand, through life’s path,

Sharing joy and sorrow, in every aftermath.

Our love is a bond, that nothing can sever,

A flame that burns, forever and ever.

The First Kiss

A timid touch, a hesitant move,

A first kiss, so innocent and new.

Our hearts racing, with anticipation,

As we shared our first, sweet sensation.

Our lips touched, and time stood still,

As we felt the magic, of love’s sweet thrill.

From that moment on, we were in love,

Our hearts joined, like hand in glove.

The Promise

We made a promise, to love and cherish,

Through all life’s challenges, and all that may perish.

With every beat of our hearts, we renew,

The promise we made, so pure and true.

We face the world, hand in hand,

Our love strong, like a rock on land.

Through every storm, we stand tall,

For our love will never fall.

A Love Unrequited

I loved you from afar, never to tell,

For fear of rejection, and love’s sweet spell.

You were my heart’s desire, my soul’s mate,

But fate had other plans, and it was too late.

You walked away, leaving me behind,

My heart shattered, my soul confined.

But my love for you, will never fade,

For in my heart, it was forever made.

Short Narrative Poems About Friendship

Short narrative poems about friendship are poetic expressions that tell a story about the bond between friends. These poems often use vivid imagery and metaphors to explore the complexities of human relationships and the joys and challenges of friendship. They may explore themes such as loyalty, trust, honesty, and forgiveness. Some common examples of short narrative poems about friendship include Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” Maya Angelou’s “Touched by an Angel,” and Langston Hughes’ “A Dream Deferred.” These poems can inspire us to cherish and nurture the important friendships in our lives.

A Friend in Need

A friend in need is a friend indeed,

Or so the saying goes.

And when I found myself in trouble,

My friend was the one who knows.

She listened to my woes and fears,

And helped me find my way.

She stayed by my side through thick and thin,

And never let me stray.

Now I know that true friendship,

Is more than just a word.

It’s a bond that lasts a lifetime,

And can never be ignored.

The Adventures of Best Friends

We’re best friends, my pal and I,

Together we roam the world.

We’ve seen the sights and met the people,

And our friendship has unfurled.

We’ve climbed the mountains and crossed the seas,

And shared the joys and pain.

We’ve laughed and cried and hugged each other,

Through sunshine and through rain.

And though we may be miles apart,

Our bond is strong and true.

For nothing can break the ties that bind,

Me and my friend, forever two.

The Power of Laughter

Laughter is the best medicine,

That’s what they say, you know.

And when I’m feeling down and out,

It’s my friend who makes it so.

She tells me jokes and silly tales,

And makes me forget my strife.

She knows just how to cheer me up,

And bring back the joy in life.

And though we may not see each other,

As much as we would like.

Our friendship stays as strong as ever,

Through laughter, we take flight.

The Test of Time

We’ve been friends for years and years,

Through thick and thin we’ve gone.

We’ve seen each other grow and change,

And watched our lives move on.

We’ve shared our secrets and our dreams,

And laughed and cried together.

We’ve faced the challenges of life,

And made it through, whatever.

And though we may be older now,

And our paths may lead us apart.

Our friendship will always endure,

And live on in our heart.

The Joy of Giving

My friend is kind and generous,

And always ready to give.

She helps those in need and lifts them up,

And shows them how to live.

She volunteers her time and skills,

And shares her love and care.

She inspires others to do the same,

And spread kindness everywhere.

And though she never seeks reward,

Her friends are always there.

To cheer her on and support her cause,

And show her how much we care.

A Friend Like You

I never knew how much I needed,

A friend like you, so true.

You came into my life one day,

And everything felt new.

You listened to my every word,

And shared your own with me.

You gave me strength and hope and love,

And set my spirit free.

And now I know that friendship,

Is more than just a word.

It’s a bond that lasts a lifetime,

And can never be ignored.

The Endless Road

Life is like an endless road,

With twists and turns, you know.

And when I feel lost and alone,

It’s my friend who helps me grow.

She walks beside me, step by step,

And shares the journey long.

She guides me through the ups and downs,

And helps me stay strong.

And though we may not know the end,

Or what the future holds.

Our friendship will always be there,

As long as we grow old.

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