30 Halloween Poems: Chills and Thrills

Halloween poems are a genre of poetry that are often associated with the spooky and supernatural themes of Halloween. These poems can range from playful and whimsical to dark and eerie, and often draw inspiration from the traditional Halloween symbols such as witches, ghosts, goblins, and pumpkins.

Halloween poems may explore themes such as the supernatural, death, fear, and transformation. They can be written in various poetic forms, including free verse, rhymed, and structured forms such as sonnets or haikus.

Halloween poems can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and are often read at Halloween parties or gatherings. They can be a fun and creative way to celebrate the holiday and embrace its spooky and playful spirit.

Halloween Poems

Haunted House

The haunted house on the hill

With creaking floors and windowsill

Ghosts and ghouls lurking within

Ready to scare and make you spin

The bats fly high in the night

As the moon shines oh so bright

Skeletons dance with delight

As witches brew their magic right

Don’t go near, don’t you dare

Or you’ll get caught in a scare

The haunted house is not for the faint

It’s a place where the dead make their paint

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat, what’s it going to be?

A sweet or a spooky mystery?

Knock on the door and shout with glee

Trick or treat, it’s Halloween, you see

Pumpkins lit with a candle’s flame

Children’s laughter and Halloween games

Costumes on, everyone looks the same

It’s the night of fright, there’s no shame

Trick or treat, it’s a Halloween delight

Walk the streets under the moonlight

Candy in your bag, it’s a sight

Trick or treat, it’s Halloween night

Witch’s Brew

The witch’s brew is bubbling hot

In a cauldron, witches stir a lot

Eye of newt, tongue of bat

They brew it all, that’s where it’s at

Cackle and chant, they cast their spell

A potion to make you unwell

Don’t drink it, or you’ll end up in hell

The witch’s brew, it’s not a sell

Beware of the witch’s brew

It’s not for me and not for you

It’s a potion that will ensue

Halloween magic, it’s nothing new

Full Moon

The full moon shines, oh so bright

On this Halloween night

Werewolves howl with all their might

As witches fly on broomsticks in flight

The night is dark, the air is cold

As the moon shines bright and bold

Ghosts and goblins, so many to behold

On this Halloween night, be brave and bold

The full moon is a sight to see

A Halloween delight, it’s meant to be

Don’t be scared, don’t you flee

Embrace the magic, and you’ll be free

The Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman rides tonight

With a pumpkin head shining bright

On his horse, he takes flight

On this Halloween night, it’s a fright

He rides through the town, so quick

His horse’s hooves make a tick

The Headless Horseman, he’s not slick

On this Halloween night, be careful, don’t stick

Beware of the Headless Horseman

He’s a legend, a Halloween fan

Don’t cross his path, don’t you can

On this Halloween night, make a plan

Ghosts and Goblins

Ghosts and goblins, they roam tonight

In the darkness, they take flight

They’re out to scare and cause a fright

On this Halloween night, it’s their right

The ghosts float by, with a moan

The goblins scurry, with a groan

They’re everywhere, you’re not alone

On this Halloween night, it’s their throne

Ghosts and goblins, they’re not mean

They’re part of Halloween, it’s a scene

Don’t be scared, don’t make a scene

On this Halloween night, it’s just a dream

The Witching Hour

The witching hour is drawing near

When ghosts and ghouls begin to appear

The veil between worlds is growing thin

And spooky creatures are set to win

The moon is full, the night is dark

As shadows dance in the park

The wind whispers secrets in your ear

And the sound of footsteps draw near

The witching hour is a time of power

When spells are cast and curses shower

Beware, for it’s not a game

Or you might end up in a world of shame

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Short Halloween Poems

Short Halloween poems are usually spooky or funny poems that are perfect for Halloween festivities. These poems are short, typically consisting of a few lines, and often incorporate Halloween themes like ghosts, witches, vampires, and pumpkins.

They can be humorous or scary, and are great for reciting at Halloween parties or sharing on social media. Short Halloween poems are a popular way to add a festive touch to the holiday and get into the Halloween spirit.

The Witching Hour

As the moon rises high in the sky,

And the world becomes dark and still,

The witching hour draws nigh,

And the air grows cold and chill.

The creatures of the night arise,

From their hidden dens they come,

With glowing eyes and haunting cries,

To seek out their hapless sum.

So lock your doors and bar your gates,

And pray that you’ll be spared,

For on this night of spooky fates,

The wicked and the weird are bared.

Ghostly Whispers

In the dead of night, when all is still,

And the stars twinkle faint and dim,

The ghosts begin to whisper and thrill,

Their eerie voices echoing grim.

They tell tales of horror and woe,

Of murders and mysteries untold,

And their ghostly presence seems to grow,

As their stories become more bold.

So beware the ghostly whispers you hear,

And do not venture out alone,

For the spirits of the dead draw near,

And they hunger for flesh and bone.

Trick or Treat

On Halloween night, the children play,

Dressed up in costumes of every kind,

With bags in hand they make their way,

To knock on doors and hope to find.

Treats and sweets to fill their sacks,

And games and fun to last the night,

But beware of the tricks and attacks,

From the ghouls and ghosts in sight.

For they too seek a Halloween thrill,

And may play tricks of their own,

So be wary and keep your will,

Or face the fright of the unknown.

The Haunted House

In the heart of town, there stands a house,

That’s rumored to be cursed and haunted,

With creaky floors and squeaky mouse,

And ghostly apparitions undaunted.

They say that screams and moans are heard,

And shadowy figures lurk in wait,

For anyone who dares to be absurd,

And enter the house at a late date.

So if you’re brave and feeling bold,

And want to test your courage and mettle,

Enter the house and don’t be told,

To fear the ghosts and their unsettled.

Halloween Night

The stars shine bright, the moon is full,

And Halloween night is in the air,

The winds howl wild, the air is cool,

And the creatures of the night beware.

For on this night of spooky delight,

Anything can happen, anything at all,

From witches to goblins to phantoms in sight,

And ghosts that haunt the hall.

So if you’re out and about this night,

Be sure to keep your wits about,

For the creatures of the darkness might,

Just come and grab you with a shout.

Halloween Poems

Funny Halloween Poems

Funny Halloween poems are lighthearted and humorous poems that are perfect for adding some laughs to Halloween celebrations. These poems often feature Halloween themes like ghosts, witches, and skeletons, but with a twist of humor that makes them more playful than scary.

They can be short or long, and may include funny rhymes, puns, or other clever wordplay. Funny Halloween poems are a great way to lighten the mood and entertain guests at Halloween parties, or to share with friends and family as a fun way to celebrate the holiday.

The Pumpkin’s Plight

I’m just a pumpkin, round and bright,

Sitting on the porch all night,

Waiting for the trick-or-treated sight,

To scare them with my grin of fright.

But oh, my fate is quite absurd,

For once the night is done and blurred,

I’ll be smashed and turned into bird feed,

My life as a pumpkin, quite the misdeed.

The Witch’s Brew

In my cauldron, I brew and stew,

A potion for Halloween that’s true,

With eye of newt and toe of shoe,

And spider legs and bat wings too.

The recipe may sound quite dire,

But trust me, it will inspire,

A Halloween party that’s full of fun,

And a potion that’ll make you run.

The Mummy’s Dilemma

As a mummy, I’m quite restricted,

My bandages are tightly affixed,

I can’t move my arms or legs, quite afflicted,

But my Halloween costume’s quite predicted.

I’ll stand here all night, quite still,

And give a shudder, with a chill,

And make the trick-or-theaters run and scream,

Even though I can’t move or dream.

The Vampire’s Lament

As a vampire, I long for blood,

But Halloween treats are quite the dud,

Candy corn and lollipops, quite the mud,

I’d rather have a neck or a jugular bud.

But alas, I’m cursed to roam,

On this night of costumes and foam,

And settle for candy, quite the tome,

Until the next full moon, I’ll have to roam.

The Ghostly Host

As a ghost, I’m quite the trickster,

I can float through walls and floors, a real fixer,

And I can haunt and scare, quite the mixer,

But on Halloween, I’m just a fixture.

For everyone’s a ghost tonight,

And my tricks are quite the sight,

So I’ll just blend in and not cause fright,

And enjoy the party, quite the delight.

The Werewolf’s Howl

As a werewolf, I’m quite the sight,

With fur and fangs and eyes of light,

I howl at the moon with all my might,

And prowl the streets on Halloween night.

But I must remember, on this night,

To stay in costume and not take flight,

For I don’t want to cause a fright,

Or end up in a zoo or sight.

The Frankenstein Monster

As Frankenstein’s monster, I’m quite unique,

With bolts in my neck and a forehead so sleek,

I lumber and lumber, quite the freak,

And give the trick-or-theaters quite the peak.

But I’m not scary, not at all,

Just a misunderstood creature, quite the pall,

And on Halloween, I’ll have a ball,

And dance and sing, quite the call.

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Best Halloween Poems

The best Halloween poems are those that capture the spooky and mysterious spirit of the holiday. These poems may describe eerie landscapes, terrifying creatures, or the thrill of trick-or-treating. They often use vivid imagery and language to create a sense of atmosphere and suspense.

Some of the most famous Halloween poems include “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Witch” by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge, and “The Haunted Palace” by H.P. Lovecraft.

Halloween Night

On Halloween night, the moon shines bright,

Ghosts and goblins roam the streets,

With cackles and shrieks and eerie delight,

They haunt us with their spooky feats.

The air is filled with a chill and a fright,

As we wander through the dark,

We keep our eyes open wide with might,

To avoid any ghoulish mark.

We hear the howls of werewolves at height,

And see the bats take to the sky,

On Halloween night, it’s a sight,

That makes our blood curdle and our hearts fly.

The Haunted House

In the old, abandoned house on the hill,

There’s something strange and amiss,

The walls are creaking, the floors are still,

And the ghosts are lurking in the abyss.

The wind howls through the broken panes,

And the doors slam shut with a bang,

As we try to flee in terror and pains,

The ghosts chase us with a clang.

We hear the whispers of the dead,

And see their shadows in the dark,

In the haunted house, we feel dread,

And hope we can escape this mark.

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat, we shout with glee,

As we knock on doors with pride,

With our costumes, we pretend to be,

Anything we can think to confide.

We hope for candy and sweets galore,

As we walk from house to house,

We knock on doors with a roar,

And hope to leave with a mouse.

But sometimes tricks are in store,

As the homeowners play a game,

And give us treats that we abhor,

With a smile that’s not quite the same.

The Pumpkin Patch

In the pumpkin patch, we search for the best,

To carve and light up at night,

With our knives, we make a quest,

To create a spooky sight.

The pumpkins glow with an eerie light,

As we place them on our porch,

And we hope to give our friends a fright,

As they approach with a torch.

We create faces that are funny and scary,

And some that are just plain weird,

In the pumpkin patch, we’re not wary,

Of the ghosts that might appear.

The Witch’s Brew

In the cauldron, the witch stirs and chants,

A potion of magic and spell,

With her broomstick, she flies and rants,

In the darkness, she casts a spell.

Her brew is made of strange things,

From the graveyard and the swamp,

And as she stirs, she cackles and sings,

With a laugh that makes our hearts thump.

We hope to avoid her wicked gaze,

And stay clear of her brew,

For if we drink, we might be in a daze,

And become her servants anew.

Scary Halloween Poems

Scary Halloween poems are a popular genre of poetry that aim to capture the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of Halloween. These poems often feature spooky imagery, macabre themes, and unsettling scenes, invoking a sense of fear and foreboding in the reader.

They may feature ghosts, monsters, or other supernatural creatures, and can be quite graphic and intense in their descriptions. Scary Halloween poems are often used as part of Halloween celebrations, either as a way to set the mood for the festivities or to entertain and frighten those in attendance.

The Darkness

In the darkness, shadows play,

Whispers echo in the night,

The wind howls, and branches sway,

As fear creeps into the light.

The moon is full, and the sky is black,

As we walk down the deserted street,

We hear footsteps, but no one’s back,

And our hearts begin to beat.

In the darkness, we’re not alone,

For something lurks in the night,

A presence that we can’t disown,

And sends shivers down our spine with fright.

The Cemetery

In the cemetery, the dead lie still,

In their graves, they rest in peace,

But on Halloween, something will,

Disturb their slumber and release.

The ghosts and ghouls rise from the earth,

And wander through the tombs,

With their eerie moans and unearthly mirth,

They cast shadows and glooms.

The graves open, and skeletons dance,

In the pale moonlight so bright,

In the cemetery, we take a chance,

To see the horrors of the night.

The Witching Hour

At midnight, when the clock strikes twelve,

And the world is asleep in bed,

The witching hour casts its spell,

And the spirits rise from the dead.

The witches gather in their coven,

And brew potions of magic and might,

They chant and dance under the moon’s oven,

In the darkness, they conjure their sight.

The black cat purrs, and the owl hoots,

As the witches cast their spells,

In the witching hour, we’re in cahoots,

With the powers of heaven and hells.

The House of Horrors

In the house of horrors, something’s amiss,

As we walk through the haunted halls,

The doors slam shut, and the floors hiss,

And the shadows dance on the walls.

The ghosts and goblins come out to play,

As we try to flee in fear,

We hear the screams, but we can’t say,

If they’re real or just in our ear.

The house of horrors is a place of dread,

Where nightmares come to life,

In its walls, the spirits are not dead,

And we face the fear of our strife.

The Pumpkin King

In the fields of pumpkins, the king resides,

With a grin that’s carved so wide,

He watches as the world divides,

Into darkness and the light that died.

The pumpkin king is a creature of fright,

With a voice that sends shivers down our spine,

He commands the creatures of the night,

And controls the shadows that intertwine.

The pumpkins glow with an eerie light,

As the pumpkin king takes his throne,

And we feel the fear of the night,

As we wander through the unknown.

The Ghost Ship

On the ghost ship, the sails are torn,

And the hull creaks with every wave,

The mist descends, and the wind is born,

As we face the fear of the grave.

The ghosts of sailors haunt the deck,

With their ragged clothes and bony hands,

Their eyes glow, and their mouths are a wreck,

As they beckon us to the unknown lands.

The ship sails through the darkness of the sea,

As we try to escape its grasp,

But the ghosts won’t let us be,

And we fear we’ll never last.

The Haunted House

The night is dark, the air is still,

The moon is hidden behind the hill,

The wind howls through the trees and vines,

And sends shivers up and down my spine.

The old house stands on the hill,

Its windows dark, its walls so still,

No light or sound comes from within,

Only the rustling of leaves and the wind.

But they say the house is cursed and haunted,

By ghosts and ghouls and spirits undaunted,

That walk its halls and roam its rooms,

And bring with them the darkest gloom.

So if you dare to enter this place,

Beware of the horrors that you may face,

For once you step inside its walls,

You may never leave, not at all.

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