Godly Messages is a ministry that exists to spread the word of God to as many people as possible. Our message is simple: we believe that God is good, and that He wants us to be happy and fulfilled in this life and the next. We believe that there is no greater happiness than being able to know and love God, and that by following His commands we can live a fulfilling and happy life.

Here are some godly messages that will help you to get started:

Godly Messages

  • God is the best planner ever. The road he decided for you will take you to your destiny. Have faith in God.
  • God is a great director and we are just a few characters in his play. We are playing the roles of two best friends. I thank God for such a beautiful role.
  • God knows everything. He knows what is good for us. Whatever He is doing will be good for you. So don’t be sad dear. God is with us.
  • I can’t thank God enough for blessing me with such an amazing friend. Talking to you feels like getting answers from God.
  • May you trust in the Lord with all your heart today and not lean on your own understanding, in Jesus name. Amen. Good morning, have a wonderful day.
  • May God shower you with all the blessings that you crave for. May today be an amazing day for you and may you be filled with all the love that will surmount all challenges. Good morning.
  • God will give you so much happiness for you to share with others. You will single out with loads of joy in your mind, the glory in your sight and the ability to have that great Christian vibe to deal with the activities of the day. You have been singled out for success and God will make you a success.
  • No journey is smooth without hindrance. God is there to take care of our safety, but how we drive to the destination is upto us. He is always with us.
  • Today I pray for more care from God for you. I pray that you have the most amazing and incredible start to your day. I pray that you have a beautiful day today and that God walks through the day with you. You are born to be born, God is with you already.
  • As you get ready for the day, His awesome hand will lead you and safely bring you home. Good morning.
  • As you go out today, may his divine presence never leave you and today you will do exploits. Have a nice day.
  • Good Morning dear, it’s a new morning. May God forgive you for yesterday and fill up your today with happiness.
  • May today bring with it an answer to all your prayers. May you receive unprecedented mercy. Good morning and have a beautiful day.
  • God’s plan is always perfect. You are the result of His perfect plan. No friend can’t be better than you who can guide his friend.
  • Each morning, we are reminded that life is a gift to be cherished, never to be taken for granted. We are reminded to be thankful for the grace of new beginnings. As you go about your daily labor, may you be guided by divine light? Good morning.
  • May God bless you in all the activities of the day. Get up and feel like God’s baby because you are truly God’s baby. God will be with you on the way, he will provide for your needs, make you special and different and always make you the head and not the tail. The sky is just your starting point.
  • It is God who created this universe, the water, the flower, the food only for us. He knows what we need. How do you feel sad when the creator of you is so caring? He will protect you.
  • I believe in every dream of yours, and believe that the Almighty God will help you realize each and every single one of these dreams. I really can’t wait to see all your dreams actualized. Good morning, and have a very blissful day.
  • God is always with us. The whole world may leave you. But God will never leave you. He is the only source of happiness and blessing.
  • I don’t know if God loves you more or me. Has He sent you for me or vice versa? In any case I am truly blessed to have you.
  • Most of the time I feel like God is talking to me through you my dear friend. I am so blessed and lucky to have you as my best friend. I pray that we remain the same for the rest of our lives.
  • Dear friend, a new day is a new beginning. I hope God’s blessings will be with you always. Have a Good day.
  • You have many qualities in you, and I’m sure one day, you’ll achieve all your dreams! May God help you to reach your goal!
  • Dear you are a blessing from heaven above. God has made you for me. I am always thankful to Him for sending such an amazing and loving person in my life.
  • As you go about the activities of today, may you end it all with unparalleled joy? Go in God’s strength, my dear. Good morning.
  • The heavens would hear and favor you as you go out today. You will be overwhelmed with success. Have a success filled day my friend. Good morning.
  • Walk the path He takes you. Because He knows what lessons you need, the love you need and the way that is best for you.
  • Today, no opposition will be able to withstand you. May you receive the grace to crush them all. When the days are done, you will sing the song of a victory. Good morning.
  • God has always blessed me with amazing gifts. You are my most precious gift from Him. I pray to Him that you always stay happy.
  • I thank God for this beautiful morning and shining sun. May He bless everyone around with happy days. Good morning.
  • May peace and quiet fill up your day, Always remember that standing by the word of God and holding on to it is all you need to get by in this sinful world. Good morning to you.
  • Darling, always keep your faith in God. He will guide you and help you to live a happy life. God bless you.
  • Today, the Lord God will arise and bless you beyond your desire for the day. You will end this day in testimony. Good morning, dear.
  • I am very grateful to God. He has sent the most beautiful and amazing person in my life. My dear, you are a blessing from God.
godly messages

Inspirational Godly Messages

There are a lot of inspiring messages out there that can help us live a godly life. One of the most important things we can do is to find messages that resonate with us and can help us feel encouraged and inspired. Here are a few inspirational godly messages that can help you live a better life:

  • There are people who have no friends. I don’t know how they survive. God has truly been with me. He has sent you for me, such a loving and caring friend.
  • I hope God bless you with all the happiness of this world. I hope you the best in life, my love.
  • My sunshine, no weapon fashioned against you, me, and all the family members shall prosper today and forever. Amen. Good morning, my treasure.
  • This morning I asked God to please protect you from the accidents of life. I asked him to give you grace to live up to and more than expectations. I asked him to give you the ability to do more than you can ever imagine. I will always pray for you every morning because you remain dear to me. Good morning.
  • May today usher new beginning into your life. Things will start falling in the right place for you. The day is loaded with blessings for you, what are you waiting for, go get them. Have a blessed morning.
  • Do have a blessed day. Trust in the Lord and obey. The lines will surely fall in pleasant places for you today and you will return with mouth full of praises. Do have a great day friend. Good morning.
  • God is always with us no matter what. Keep up with the good work.
  • When you wake up each day, show God the gratitude he deserves for making you see life yet again, and ask him for help on whatever is missing in your life. Love God with all your heart and have faith in him, as you walk the path of fulfilment.
  • If anyone asks me what the secret of my success is, I will tell him that I have two things. My God helps me and gives me everything; another one is you my best friend who supports me. Thank you, dear.
  • Always have trust in the almighty. He is always there with you. When you dive from a dead end cliff, he will teach you to fly or catch you and help you to land safely.
  • The secret behind my great successful life is God’s blessings and your wishes and support. God’ best gift is you, my dear friend.
  • God is the only reason we are living on this earth. Look at His blessing, His creation. He can do anything. He can change your life in a moment. Pray to Him.
  • God created family so that we can take care of each other. A man who has family and stays with them are really blessed ones. I pray to the almighty that we remain blessed all through this life.
  • God will definitely grant wishes of people who work hard. My friend,work towards your goal and God will bring success into your life.
  • After dark comes a beautiful bright shining sun. God’ plan is also similar for us. After tough times comes bright happy days. Trust Him. Hope you have a cheerful day.
  • You are healthy, you are fine, and you have woken up this beautiful morning. What else do we need to thank God? He is always with us. Good morning.
  • I feel comfortable and happy when I share my thoughts with you. Only a few people get such friends. I am very grateful to God for you my friend.
  • At the end of today, you will smile and be thankful for God’s faithfulness. That’s my prayer for you my friend. Go into your day and do exploits. Good morning my dear friend. Enjoy the day.
  • After today is done, may you be able to look back in gratitude and count your blessings? Good morning.
  • The Lord that has been keeping you from evil will guide you through today and you shall end today in joy. Good morning.
  • Every morning is a blessing from heaven above. Each morning brings a new hope with it. Never lose hope and faith in God. I hope you a rocking day.
  • In the presence of God, they say, there is a fullness of joy. May you never walk out of his presence that Joy may never seize from your life. Enjoy your day dear.
  • All the gathering of evil against your success shall bow to the sovereignty of God today and perish forever. Go in peace and come home victorious. Good morning
  • I hope you a very good morning. You were in my morning prayers. Thanked him for bringing you into my life and asked him to bless you abundantly.
  • Every morning I wake up to thank God for creating you and for allowing me to meet you. Good things will not cease in your life. Have a fulfilling day my friend. Good morning.
  • As we bring every thought to the subjection of Christ, we know that all things will eventually work out in our favor. Let the mind of Christ be in you. Good morning friend.
  • Every morning is a new day blessed upon us. We should be thankful to our supreme power for the beautiful day. Good morning dear.
  • I hope God gives you all those successes you deserve. Start your new day with great enthusiasm. Have a beautiful Morning.
  • Every day I pray to God about you. I pray that God may help you and protect you all the time. What can be more comfortable when your loved one is under the protection of God?
  • God will open doors of success for you, as you go into today, you would achieve all you have set your heart towards. Everything will work for your favour. Have a blessed day my friend.
  • As you rise today, you will shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord will be upon you now and beyond. Have a fun-filled day.

Check out these:

Good Morning Godly Messages

  • Morning is the sign of hope from God. It shows that God can remove darkness from our life as morning comes after night. Good morning my friend.
  • God loves us more than a mother loves her child. He never wants us to destroy. So keep deep faith in God. He will soon remove your bad times.
  • The words of God never returns to Him empty. He has said he will be your refuge and fortress. He surely will guide you from wicked and evil people today and beyond. Do have a wonderful day, dear.
  • Dear friend, God is testing you. That is why all this struggles and fights. You are a real hero fighting back. Trust him and happiness is coming your way.
  • When I feel sad, I look outside and think there are many people who have no family, no friends. But I have a lovely family and many good friends. I am blessed.
  • Truly you are blessed beyond measure. Step out today and be a blessing to anyone you meet. Wish you a great day. Good morning.
  • I think God made the morning with a magical touch. We feel so refreshed and calm in the morning. I hope you a very good morning.
  • My dear friend, I pray to God on your special day. May he listen to your heart and fulfill all your hopes.
  • Do not worry too much about the future. God who took care of you yesterday and looking after you today will definitely have plans for your tomorrow. Thank him for having your back.
  • As you go out today you shall be the head and not the tail and no evil will befall you in Jesus name. Have a wonderful day dear.
  • God has sent you for me. You are such an amazing and beautiful gift from above. Dear I thank God for bringing you into my life.
  • Life is worthless without loved ones. So God created the family. I pray to God to increase love and care in our family. May He bless us.
  • I always get inspired when I see you. You are a real fighter. God has made you especially. I am proud as you are my friend.
  • I think God made the morning with a magical touch. We feel so refreshed and calm in the morning. I hope you a very good morning.
  • Today, receive grace to walk and not faint. Receive grace to soar with the strength of an eagle. It will be well with you today and always. Have a blissful day.
  • You are alive this beautiful morning because of the tender mercy and amazing love of God. In this brand new day, may all the rough ways in your paths be made smooth, and may your steps always be directed into the right places. Good morning, blessed one.
  • Life gives us not what we want but what we ask of it. This morning is another opportunity, demand what you want and see it sprinting towards you. Go and enjoy your day.
  • May the entry of this day usher in great things into your life. As you step into today you would be favored from every angle. You deserve it, my friend. Sweet morning to you.
  • Daily as we wake up, we know that there’s hope we should go claim our inheritance. Today is an opportunity to do that. Go into the enjoy the blessings. Good morning my dear.
  • Sometimes we have bad days, but believe me, it is also God’s plan. So don’t be upset. He will help you to pass this time too.
  • I pray to God that only good things greet you today. May He protect you from all the bad things. Good Morning.
Good Morning Godly Messages

Godly Messages for Teamwork within the Church

Church teamwork is an important part of any successful ministry. When members work together, they can accomplish more than they could on their own. There are many Godly messages that can be conveyed when team work is used within the church. Here are a few:

  • Each morning brings with it renewed strength and vigour to face the day and its challenges. Whatever happens today, believe that you’re able to overcome them. Victory begins from the mind and it is yours in Jesus name. Good morning dear friend.
  • The shiny morning has come. Thanks to our God for giving us an extra day in our life. Good morning dear. Have a nice day.
  • God always helps those who help others. You are always there for me and others. I am grateful for you. God will always be there behind you.
  • My dear love, life can be tough sometimes but remember that God is always here to help us. I love you.
  • Even during bad times don’t lose hope and keep praying. God is always listening. He will open new opportunities for you. He is very kind. Have a great day.
  • I thank God for making you my friend. Not everyone is lucky to have a friend like you. I love to share everything with you.
  • As you go out this morning, may you be able to discern the opportunities in every situation and may you the find the strength to maximize them to your full advantage. Good morning.
  • Dear friend, don’t give up on your dreams. God is always with you. You need to work hard and pray. God surely will grant your hope.
  • Darling, always keep your faith in God. He will guide you and help you to live a happy life. God bless you!
  • God will guide you today, you will be blessed and amazing things will happen in your life that will make you have an amazing testimony and praise in your lips. Remember to glorify God for everything that happens to you and he will be more than happy to do more for you. Have a great morning.
  • The strength and readiness to face the day and achieve our goals are refreshed each morning. As you go out today, everything will fall in place for you. Good morning my wonderful friend.
  • I pray the angels of the Lord to direct your steps rightly and helps you to fulfil all your aspirations. Good morning my wonderful friend. Have a wonderful day.
  • God loves people who love others and take care of them. I am blessed to have you as you love me so much. I think you are God’s favorite person.
  • I pray to God that he increases the affection among our family members. Bless us with abundance of love. Life is meaningless without a caring family.
  • I hope the blessing of God will always be with you. Have a good day.
  • You will always be in my prayers. I think that is the most expensive gift one can give. Talking to God and asking Him to take care of you everyday, this gives me peace and makes me happy.
  • Because the Lord is your God, what is difficult for others shall be made easy for you. And when others say there is casting down, for you, it shall be a lifting and where people say there is no way there will be a way for you. Good morning.
  • In the morning start your day with prayer. He will open the door of opportunity for you. Have a blessed day my friend. Good morning.
  • You will exceed expectations and will be the head and not the tail. Good morning to you. You are born to be great and so you will. Good morning.

Check out these:

What are the best godly messages?

  • God will bless you in everything you lay your hands on. God will bless you on your going out and coming in. Your day will be a super amazing day. You will go through all daunting tasks seamlessly and be a master at what you do.
  • I have prayed every day all my life. It has made my beliefs stronger. I trust Him because He has always heard me.
  • You are my best friend who always supports me. Thank you dear friend. I pray to God that he always blesses you and may all your dreams come true.
  • This morning, as you go out, may you receive blessings from all around and may you come back home happy and fulfilled. Have a blessed day. Good morning my friend.
  • Thank God everyday for blessing us with a beautiful day, friends and loving family. Thanking Him cheers us up and makes our life peaceful. I hope you a very good morning.
  • I pray for you dear friend that this life will be full of tremendous blessings for you. Remember to do things according to the will of God for your life. Do not go astray, walk in his light and his direction, and he will bless you with so much more. Good morning amazing friend and family, God is with you already.
  • In our hard time, God gives us a chance to realize our mistakes, to improve ourselves. So never take a hard time as a punishment. It’s a blessing from God.
  • May God guide you to the right path and keep you away from all evil. Have a blessed Morning!
  • Good morning my love. Wake up and see the sun’s rays. May God bless you with a beautiful day. Enjoy the day.
  • You pray to Him or not, thank Him or not, remember Him or not. Irrespective of all this, he is always there for us. We may talk to him occasionally but he is constantly blessing us.
  • In our high speed life we are just running ahead. We forget God in the process. We remember Him only when the speed decreases or we fall down. Yet He picks us up and puts us back on track. Never forget Him.
  • I hope God guides you to his path. The path will give you peace and happiness, my friend.
  • I hope God gives you all those successes you deserve. Start your new day with great enthusiasm. Have a beautiful Morning!
  • Today is the day when your efforts will be recognized and decorated with glory. May favour locate you wherever you are. Good morning.
  • We are blessed to witness the morning sun, it is calm yet so vibrant. It is a blessing from above. Thanking Him I hope you a very happy morning.
  • I pray that God would push you also into greatness, he will guide your steps as you walk in favour and you would have Success all around. Today is gonna be a good day my friend. Good morning.
  • Dear friend, a new day is a new beginning. I hope God’s blessings will be with you always. Have a Good day!
  • As from this morning, God shall order your steps to your place of Glory, in Jesus name. Amen. Have a glorious day ahead.
  • My friend, as you step into the day, God will guide you into Greatness and Fulfillment. And you will come back home fulfilled. Top of the morning to you my dear. Enjoy your day.
godly messages

What are some messages of inspiration from God?

God has blessed us with so much love and happiness. We are able to experience so much happiness simply because of the love and care that God has for us. These messages of inspiration from God remind us of the love and care that God has for us.

God’s messages of inspiration can be found throughout scripture, but here are a few to get started:

  • Never underestimate the power of prayer. I prayed for a caring, loving person in my life. God has listened and gave you in my life.
  • Congratulations! It’s a new day. We made it and this gives us the assurance that everything shall be alright. Go and do exploits. Good morning.
  • Today, I pray that your path be lined with favor. May you see the beauty in every situation. May you find solution to every challenge. Good morning.
  • There are so many lonely souls around. When I look at them I feel so blessed. God has blessed me with such a beautiful and caring family. Thanking Him to eternity.
  • You shall not lack any good thing today and henceforth because the Lord is your shepherd. He will make provision for the tiniest of your needs. Good morning
  • I pray that God sends helpers of destiny your way and strengthen His will for your life to fulfilment. Good morning.
  • Every day show your gratitude to the Lord for all that you have and ask Him to help you get what you are missing. He loves all his children equally and will not say no to any blessing to you.
  • Every morning, we have renewed hope and confidence that today may be the day. And surely as you have thought about it, today will be the day of breakthrough for you.
  • A good friend is one of the most valuable gifts from God. I am happy as God has given me a friend like you. You are a true friend indeed.
  • Today, God in his infinite mercies shall grant unto you all your aspirations, beyond your imagination! Good morning.
  • May God bless your day beyond your wishes and keep you safe from every devilish plan. Have better day ahead.
  • Always give thanks to God. The soul that gives thanks will always receive more blessings from God. Good morning and have a thankful day.
  • Arise! Shine! For thy light is come. May that light illuminates your path as you set out to work. May your labor attract sweet reward. Good morning.
  • You have many qualities in you, and I’m sure one day, you’ll achieve all your dreams! May God help you to reach your goal.
  • Every day, in my prayers I make mention of you. Your encouragement is my daily meal and I can’t afford to do without you. Go and achieve great feats and come back home happy. Good morning my darling friend.
  • Hey, rise and shine. Drink your morning coffee, and thank God for giving you the chance to live another beautiful day.
  • This morning you will be divinely favored to achieve everything you have set your heart to. You will come back home a fulfilled person. Do have a lovely day.
  • Sweetheart, you are the best gift God has ever given me. Every day I pray to God for your success and prosperity.
  • As from this morning, your lack shall begin to give way to abundance. You’ll have plenty and never borrow again! Good morning