30 Funny Children’s Poems: Giggle and Grin with Playful Verses

Funny children’s poems are a form of poetry written for young audiences with the intention of making them laugh and smile. These poems often use humorous wordplay, clever rhyming, and playful imagery to create a lighthearted and enjoyable experience for children.

They may feature silly characters, animals, or situations that children can relate to and find amusing. Funny children’s poems can be a great way to introduce children to the joys of poetry and help them develop an appreciation for language and literature.

They can also be a fun way for parents, teachers, and caregivers to bond with children and create positive memories together. Whether read aloud or written down for children to enjoy on their own, funny children’s poems are a delightful and entertaining form of literature for young readers.

Funny Children’s Poems

The Messy Monster

There’s a monster in my room,

That likes to make a mess.

He scatters toys and clothes around,

And leaves the room in distress.

I try to tidy up each day,

But he’s too quick for me.

He always seems to find a way,

To make my room untidy.

So if you see him, give a shout,

And help me make him flee.

For though he’s funny, without a doubt,

He’s too messy for me!

The Sneezy Elephant

There once was an elephant,

Who had a sneeze so loud.

It shook the trees and made us all,

Jump up and join the crowd.

He’d sneeze when he was happy,

And when he was feeling blue.

And when he sneezed, we all would know,

Exactly what to do.

We’d cover our ears and hold our breath,

And wait for him to cease.

For though his sneezes were funny,

They made us all sneeze, too, with ease.

The Talking Dog

I have a dog that talks to me,

In words so clear and bright.

He tells me jokes and stories,

And makes me laugh with delight.

He talks about his favorite things,

Like chasing cats and treats.

And sometimes he’ll just bark and growl,

When something smells like meat.

My friends all think I’m crazy,

To believe a dog can speak.

But I know it’s true, for every week,

He makes my day unique.

The Hungry Hippo

There’s a hippo in the kitchen,

That likes to eat all day.

He chomps on carrots, cake, and cheese,

And washes it down with hay.

He slurps and burps and chews so loud,

That we can’t hear the TV.

And when we ask him to quiet down,

He just says, Excuse me!

But we love him all the same,

For his appetite is grand.

And though he may be messy,

He always lends a hand.

The Dancing Robot

I have a robot that can dance,

In moves so slick and clean.

He grooves to disco, hip-hop, and pop,

And makes the scene so keen.

He’s got a rhythm all his own,

And moves that defy the norm.

And when he spins and twirls around,

We can’t help but transform.

So if you see him on the street,

With his metallic sheen,

Just stop and watch him for a while,

And join in the dancing scene.

The Funny Monkey

There’s a monkey in the zoo,

That likes to clown around.

He swings and jumps and does backflips,

And turns our frowns upside down.

He tickles us with banana peels,

And plays pranks on his friends.

And when he puts on his silly hat,

The laughter never ends.

So if you’re feeling down and blue,

And need a pick-me-up,

Just head on down to the monkey house,

And let his humor erupt.

The Magic Pencil

I have a pencil that can draw,

Anything I desire.

It makes elephants and castles,

And airplanes soaring higher.

It can sketch a smiling sun,

Or a rainbow after rain.

And when I’m feeling creative,

It helps me use my brain.

So if you’re ever feeling bored,

And need some inspiration,

Just pick up a magic pencil,

And let your imagination.

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Short Funny Children’s Poems

“Short funny children’s poems” are brief and humorous poems that are specifically written for young audiences. These poems often feature playful language, silly characters, and whimsical situations that are sure to make children laugh and smile.

Short funny children’s poems may be composed of only a few lines or stanzas, making them easy for young readers to remember and recite. They are often used as a fun and engaging way to introduce children to poetry and language arts, and can be a great tool for teachers and parents to use when trying to inspire a love of literature in young children.

Short funny children’s poems are a wonderful way to entertain and engage children while also promoting language and literacy development.

Silly Sandwich

I made a sandwich for my lunch,

With cheese and bread and ham.

But when I took a bite, I found,

A pickle in my jam!

I didn’t mean to make it strange,

But somehow, in a rush,

I added things that didn’t match,

And made my sandwich blush.

So if you see me munching on,

A sandwich that looks funny,

Just know that I’m a chef at heart,

And it’s all for the money.

The Juggling Bear

I saw a bear at the circus,

Who juggled balls so bright.

He threw them up and caught them too,

And never lost his sight.

He juggled cats and dogs and mice,

And even jugs of water.

And when he finished his routine,

We cheered and hooted louder.

So if you’re ever feeling bored,

And need some entertainment,

Just head on down to the circus,

And watch the bear’s arraignment.

The Wacky Weather

Today the weather’s gone insane,

It’s raining cats and dogs.

I saw some flying frogs!

The wind was blowing east and west,

And north and south and sideways.

And when I tried to walk to school,

I stumbled and fell sideways.

So if you see me walking home,

In clothes that are all wet,

Just know that I’m a weatherman,

And the forecast’s not done yet.

The Crazy Cat

I have a cat that’s so crazy,

It jumps and runs and twirls.

It chases shadows and butterflies,

And toys that look like pearls.

It meows and purrs and rubs its nose,

On everything in sight.

And when it gets into mischief,

It puts up quite a fight.

So if you see a blur of fur,

Zooming past your feet,

Just know that it’s my crazy cat,

And it’s never missed a beat.

The Laughing Lion

I went to the zoo last week,

To see the animals up close.

And when I saw the lion’s face,

I couldn’t help but dose.

He was so funny with his grin,

And his chuckles and his laughs.

He seemed to like the people there,

And the other lions’ gaffs.

So if you’re ever feeling down,

And need a bit of cheer,

Just head on down to the lion’s den,

And let his laughter clear.

Funny Children's Poems

Funny Children’s Poems For Reciting

“Funny children’s poems for reciting” are poems that are specifically written to be performed or recited aloud by children. These poems often have a rhythmic and playful quality, with lively language and sound effects that make them fun to say out loud.

They may include repetition, rhyming, and other poetic devices that help children remember the words and recite them with ease. Funny children’s poems for reciting may be used in a variety of settings, such as in classrooms, at family gatherings, or during talent shows or other performances.

They are a great way to help children develop their public speaking and presentation skills while also promoting creativity and imagination. Funny children’s poems for reciting can be a fun and engaging way for children to share their love of poetry with others, and to express themselves in a unique and entertaining way.

The Dizzy Duck

Once there was a dizzy duck,

Who spun around all day.

He’d twirl and whirl and flop and flail,

And never stop to play.

He’d chase his tail in circles round,

And spin until he fell.

And when he finally came to rest,

He’d look like a dizzy bell.

So if you see a duck that’s spinning,

Around and round and round,

Just know that it’s the dizzy duck,

And he’s never touching ground.

The Superhero Cat

I have a cat who’s a superhero,

With powers beyond compare.

He can fly through the air like a rocket,

And run like a cheetah on a dare.

He’s got laser eyes that shoot out beams,

And claws that can cut through steel.

He’s got a cape that’s as red as fire,

And a shield that can make villains kneel.

So if you’re ever in trouble,

And need a hero by your side,

Just call out to my superhero cat,

And he’ll save you with pride.

The Burping Bear

There was a bear who loved to burp,

And make a great big sound.

He’d gulp down soda and eat up cake,

And burp until he’d astound.

He’d burp in the morning and burp at night,

And burp in the middle of class.

He’d burp when he was happy,

And burp when he was mad.

So if you hear a rumbling sound,

And smell something in the air,

Just know that it’s the burping bear,

And he’s burping without a care.

The Dancing Dog

I have a dog who loves to dance,

And shake his tail with glee.

He’ll wiggle and jiggle and bounce around,

And wag his tail with glee.

He’s got the rhythm in his bones,

And music in his heart.

He’ll dance to any beat he hears,

And never wants to part.

So if you see a dog who’s dancing,

Like he’s in a Broadway show,

Just know that it’s my dancing dog,

And he’s putting on a great big flow.

The Silly Sheep

Once there was a silly sheep,

Who wore a hat so blue.

He’d run and jump and play all day,

And make the others moo.

He’d bleat and baa and say hello,

To everyone he’d meet.

And when he’d see a patch of grass,

He’d run and start to eat.

So if you see a sheep so silly,

Wearing a hat so blue,

Just know that it’s the silly sheep,

And he’s waiting to meet you.

The Funny Frog

There was a frog who loved to joke,

And make the others laugh.

He’d tell a funny story,

And then he’d do a dance.

He’d jump and hop and skip around,

And ribbit in delight.

And when he saw the others smile,

He’d feel his spirits rise.

So if you hear a croaking sound,

And see a frog so green,

Just know that it’s the funny frog,

And he’s the funniest you’ve ever seen.

The Snoring Squirrel

There was a squirrel who loved to sleep,

But he snored oh so loud!

The other animals would complain,

As his snores would pierce the clouds.

He’d snore during the day and snore at night,

And snore through every season.

And when he woke up from his nap,

He’d never know the reason.

So if you hear a loud snoring sound,

And see a squirrel in a tree,

Just know that it’s the snoring squirrel,

And he’s sleeping oh so soundly.

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Hilariously Funny Children’s Poems

“Hilariously funny children’s poems” are poems that are written to be exceptionally amusing and entertaining for young readers. These poems often feature whimsical and absurd situations, along with playful language, clever wordplay, and humorous imagery.

They are intended to elicit laughter and joy from children and to spark their imaginations. Hilariously funny children’s poems may feature silly characters, animals, or scenarios that children can relate to and find amusing.

They can be a great tool for promoting literacy and language skills in children, as they encourage young readers to engage with poetry in a fun and engaging way. Whether recited aloud or read independently, hilariously funny children’s poems are a delightful and entertaining form of literature for young readers.

The Burping Bear

There was a bear who loved to eat,

And he ate all day and night.

But every time he finished a meal,

He’d let out a burp with all his might.

His burps were loud and stinky too,

And the other animals would groan.

But the burping bear just laughed and laughed,

And made himself feel right at home.

So if you ever see a bear with a grin,

And hear a loud burp in the air,

Just know that it’s the burping bear,

And he’s feeling happy and rare.

The Dancing Dog

I know a dog who loves to dance,

And barks to the beat of the song.

He’ll spin and twirl and wag his tail,

And dance all night long.

He’ll moonwalk like Michael Jackson,

And do the twist like Chubby Checker.

And when he’s feeling really brave,

He’ll even breakdance like a record spinner.

So if you ever need a partner to dance,

Just find the dog with the rhythm and flow.

He’ll teach you all the moves he knows,

And make you feel like a pro.

The Sneezy Sheep

There was a sheep who had a cold,

And sneezed all day and night.

Her sneezes were loud and strong,

And they’d give everyone a fright.

She’d sneeze on the grass and sneeze on the hay,

And sneeze on the other sheep too.

But when they saw her sneeze one more time,

They knew just what to do.

They gathered around and held her tight,

And gave her a warm woolly coat.

And when she sneezed inside the coat,

It sounded like a thunderbolt.

The Wacky Walrus

I know a walrus who’s quite wacky,

And loves to play pranks on his friends.

He’ll squirt them with water from his nose,

And tickle them until their laughter never ends.

He’ll wear a silly hat on his head,

And play air guitar on his tusk.

And when he’s feeling really wild,

He’ll jump into the water with a splash and a thrust.

So if you’re ever in need of a laugh,

Just find the wacky walrus with glee.

He’ll make you feel so happy and light,

And fill your heart with so much glee.

The Jolly Jellyfish

There was a jellyfish in the sea,

Who was always in a jolly mood.

He’d swim around with a big smile on his face,

And make everyone feel good.

He’d sing and dance and play games,

And joke with all the fish.

And when they asked him why he was so happy,

He’d say, Because life is just a dish.

He’d live each day like it was his last,

And never let the world get him down.

And when the other creatures saw him,

They knew that he deserved the crown.

Famous Funny Children’s Poems

“Famous funny children’s poems” are humorous poems that have gained widespread popularity and recognition. These poems are often written by well-known poets or authors who specialize in creating witty and playful verse for children.

Some examples of famous funny children’s poems include “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss, “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll, and “Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein. These poems often feature imaginative characters, playful language, and humorous situations that resonate with young readers and inspire their creativity and imagination.

Famous funny children’s poems have become beloved classics that are often read and recited in classrooms and at home, and they continue to inspire generations of young readers to appreciate the joy and humor that can be found in poetry.


I cannot go to school today,

Said little Peggy Ann McKay.

I have the measles and the mumps,

A gash, a rash, and purple bumps.

My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,

I’m going blind in my right eye.

My tonsils are as big as rocks,

I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox.

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea

In a beautiful pea-green boat,

They took some honey, and plenty of money,

Wrapped up in a five-pound note.

The Owl looked up to the stars above,

And sang to a small guitar,

O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,

What a beautiful Pussy you are!

The Crocodile

How doth the little crocodile

Improve his shining tail,

And pour the waters of the Nile

On every golden scale!

How cheerfully he seems to grin,

How neatly spreads his claws,

And welcomes little fishes in,

With gently smiling jaws!

Jenny Kissed Moby Leigh Hunt

Jenny kissed me when we met,

Jumping from the chair she sat in;

Time, you thief, who love to get

Sweets into your list, put that in!

Say I’m weary, say I’m sad,

Say that health and wealth have missed me;

Say I’m growing old, but add,

Jenny kissed me.

The Dentist and the Crocodile

The crocodile, with cunning smile,

Sat in the dentist’s chair.

He said, “Right here and everywhere

My teeth require repair.”

The dentist’s face was turning white.

He quivered, quaked, and shook.

He muttered, “I suppose I’m going to have to take a look.”

“I want you,” Crocodile declared.

“To do the back ones first

The molars at the very back

Are easily the worst

He opened wide his massive jaws.

It was a fearsome sightโ€“โ€“

But no one’s hand was in his jaws.

He wasn’t quick enough to bite

The dentist shrieked, “You’re much too big!

This is going to have to stop!

Let’s race around the clock.”

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