90 April Fool Wishes That Will Rock Your World

April Fool’s Day is a day of fun and laughter for people all around the world. It’s a day to prank one another and make jokes, and it’s always a good time. Here are some fun April Fool’s Day tips to make your day even more special.

April fool Wishes 

  • True love is like a pillow which you can hug when you feel depressed and use as a shoulder to cry on and embrace when you are elated. So when you need love, just spend a few bucks to buy a pillow.
  • Breaking News! Scientists have confirmed the outbreak of a new virus that may affect people of all ages worldwide right at the beginning of April this year. Once attacked by the virus, patients cannot sleep without closing their eyes. Be very careful!
  • Happy April Fool’s Day to everyone.
  • There are so many tensions in this world and just one day to take a break from them….. Best wishes on April Fool’s Day to you.
  • There is something so much fun about playing pranks on people around you.
  • Congratulations! You’ve got 50% off in any online shopping on 1st April 2023. Use your voucher called ‘April Fool’ and your name as the secret code!
  • Thanks to you because you are the only one who has made me realize so many times that I am more intelligent than someone on this planet.
  • Wishing a Happy April Fool’s Day to you.
  • Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day to you my dear. There is no way we can change the fact, you are a fool and you will remain one.
  • In the times when we all are surrounded with stress and tensions, having a day like April Fool’s Day is so much essential.
  • You might have enjoyed your day to the fullest. And why won’t you? After all, it’s April 1st, the day in every year when you get to feel like the king, the king of fools to be more specific!
  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, let us not miss on the chance of playing pranks on people without worrying about them getting mad at us.
  • The best trick for a person like you is to stay mum and let others think if you are a fool than to break the silence and making it evident. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, we must learn to not laugh at fools because sometimes they are also correct.
April fool Wishes 

Short April fool Wishes

April Fool’s Day is a day when people love to play pranks and practical jokes on each other. Short April Fool wishes are quick and funny messages that you can send to your friends, family, or colleagues to add some laughter to their day. These wishes usually contain witty one-liners, clever puns, or silly jokes that are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Whether you send them through text messages, social media, or in person, short April Fool wishes are a fun way to celebrate the day and spread some joy.

  • I have discovered a cartoon in you. You can see it too! Just look at yourself through the mirror! Happy April 1st!
  • Do n’t ask him to understand me more, do n’t ask him to care more.
  • I just know that whenever and wherever I feel.
  • As long as he’s doing well, he won’t worry about it.
  • All I know is that even if the sea is dry and rotten,
  • As long as he is in a good mood, he no longer looks forward to it.
  • Separated from each other’s heart.
  • It will make you happy to sleep through the night.
  • Will touch the heart, the softest string.
  • April Fool’s Day tells you I love you.
  • Love through time and space,
  • Can’t help but feel sad and unreal,
  • Always silent, thinking of him thousands of times.
  • May you get fooled this April Fool’s Day.
  • You cannot be funny if you are not foolish.
  • Having a dry sense of humour kills the joy in life.
  • April Fool’s Day is the day when you have the license to play pranks.
  • May you have a perfect April Fool’s Day full of pranks.
  • Life is so much better with pranks and jokes.
  • You really have to be very smart to make a fool out of me.
  • Don’t forget to count your pranks at the end of April Fool’s Day.
  • Not everyone has the magical power to play the pranks.
  • Pranks demand creativity and ideas. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • People with good pranking abilities must always be respected.
  • If you love pranks then how can you not love April Fool’s Day.

Check out these:

Cool April fool Wishes 

  • I am blessed with the best fools in this world and I call them friends.
  • You can’t read this message with one eye closed. Just kidding! Of course, you can be stupid. I was trying to make you a fool, and look how easy it was!
  • There is something so much fun and amazing about this day that makes us all smile and laugh.
  • Good made daylight which is called sun and brightness at night which is called the moon and then he made a fool and that is you….. Happy Fool’s Day dear!!!”
  • For those who say that they can never cry. Let me throw a stone at your face and then we will see. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • If your palm is bigger than your face then you are born with a smart brain and if you just tried that then you know who you are. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • A fool is always a fool and therefore, the date doesn’t matter….. But still, I want to wish you on April 1st a very Happy Fool’s Day!!!
  • A fool is always a fool and therefore, the date doesn’t matter….. But still I want to wish you on April 1st a very Happy Fool’s Day!.
  • I am a fool, I am a fool, I am fool …. You just confessed that you are a FOOL. You agreed to what I have been saying for all those years…. April Fool wishes to you…
  • What if I told you your whole life was a lie? What if there is the 32nd day of March, and what if the rest 364 days in a year all are called April 1st? What if you wake up and realize that you are an April fool forever?
cool April fool Wishes 

April fool Wishes For Friend

April Fool’s Day is a day to celebrate jokes and laughter. It’s also a day to be creative and come up with ideas for pranks on your friends. Here are some of our favorite April Fool’s Wishes for Friends:

  • On the occasion of April Fool’s Day, let us come together and salute all the foolish people around us as they are special in their own ways.
  • This flower, is a flower, a flower, good flower, way flower, to flower, keep the flower, a flower, idiot flower, busy flower, for flower, 20 flowers, seconds flower !… Now read it without the word flower. HAHAHA
  • I am going on a world tour on the April 1st and it is a fully sponsored holiday…… Come join me because it is Fool’s Day.
  • There is a virus who just entered your brains but he died because he failed to find any brains inside your head…. Happy April Fool’s Day dear.
  • If anyone thinks that you are smart then just smile at him and wish him a Happy April Fool’s Day and he would know it all.
  • Wishing a very Happy April Fool’s Day to you.Do not underestimate fools as they are responsible for making intelligent smart.
  • If you think you are very smart then today is the test of your smartness and wisdom….. If no prank can work on you and all the pranks you play
  • worked on others with perfection then it means that you are the wisest of the fools…. Happy Fools’ Day my foolish friend.
  • When you are a foolish soul then no one expects anything intelligent out of you and that is quite a relief. Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Just wanted to remind you that today is your day and you are making it a perfect one just by being you.

Check out these:

What do people use to sell their products on April fool’s Day?

  • It is good to be foolish otherwise the world would become such a boring place to live.
  • Warm greetings on April Fool’s Day to all. This is our only chance to show our intelligence by fooling others.
  • If people call you crazy then don’t believe them….. If people call you stupid then believe them because they are saying it all right….. A Happy Fool’s Day to you.
  • Do you know that the first day of the 4th month of this year is going to be the longest day on earth? Check out the official page of NASA for more details!
  • No matter how hard you try, you can never touch the tip of your nose with your tongue. Congratulations! What a disgusting, stupid fool you are!
  • Somethings made for each other like bread and butter, fork and knife, paper and pen and you and stupidity….. Happy Fool’s Day to the best foolish friend!!!”
  • Wishing everyone on the occasion of April Fool’s Day.
  • God made daylight which is called sun and brightness at night which is called moon and then he made a fool and that is you…..
  • The month of March has been extended by 24 hours this year to avoid April 1. So, don’t be worried. No one is going to make a fool out of you this year.
  • There is nothing bad in being foolish sometimes as we cannot be always intelligent. Happy April Fool’s Day to you.
April fool Wishes 

What are some funny April fool’s Day wishes?

Happy April Fools Day! Everybody has their own way of celebrating this fun holiday, but some popular customs are playing pranks on friends and family, filling up everyone’s water glasses with air, and setting off fake fire alarms. Whether you’re pulling a prank on your friends or pulling one on yourself, here are a few funny April Fool’s Day wishes to get you started:

  • Tomorrow, don’t believe if someone tells you that the sun rises east and sets at the west. Just tell them that the sun never rises or sets; it always remains at the same place!
  • I am feeling so excited to let you know that I’m getting married on the 32nd of March this year. I’ll be so happy if you attend the ceremony.
  • A very Happy April Fool’s Day to all. Let us make the most intelligent people know that they are also a little foolish sometimes.
  • I am going on world tour on the April 1st and it is a fully sponsored holiday…… Come join me because it is Fool’s Day.
  • It is impossible to touch your elbow with your tongue. And if you just tried doing so then you are a fool for sure. Wishing you a very Happy April Fool’s Day”
  • People affected by coronavirus can’t do more than 5 pushups. I have tried, and I think I am ok. Please try this, my friend. Your health matters a lot to me! And yes, Happy April 1st off course!
  • The best prank on someone would be a no prank kind of a prank to leave them confused. Happy April Fool’s Day to all.
  • Do you hear that Aliens have contacted the Earth? Just google it to know more. Surely, it will be on trending today. Don’t end up as a fool.
  • It is not easy to make a fool out of your own self but I must say that you have done a fairly good enough job. Wishing you a very Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Happy April Fool’s Day to everyone. Let us celebrate being foolish as this is a fun thing to do.
  • I have never come across a person who is as smart, as beautiful, as intelligent as you. Just wanted to wish you Happy April Fool’s Day.
  • Today, don’t believe if someone says ‘I love you’ to you. Everyone will try hard to make you fool today because it’s so easy to make you a fool!
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