Wishing someone a happy 50th birthday is an easy way to show them that you appreciate everything they have done for you in the past. If you’re looking for funny wishes for your 50th birthday, be sure to check out these hilarious ideas! Whether you’re looking for something light-hearted or heartfelt, these 50th birthday wishes will have you laughing all day long.

Funny 50th Birthday Wishes

  • On your 50th birthday, don’t think of it as the beginning of the end… think of it as the end of the beginning!
  • Happy Birthday! You’ve now reached the age where you can officially start lying about your age!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! You don’t just look amazing for your age – you are amazing at any age.
  • Welcome to the age where your memory goes, and your waistline grows! Happy 50th birthday!
  • You may no longer be young as you turn fifty. But nothing is stopping you from being naughty and nifty. Happy birthday.
  • If you want people to tell you you like great for your age, start telling them your 60! Happy 50th birthday.
  • Sometimes I take your patience and kindness for granted, but I promise to always appreciate you. Happy 50th birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the 50 new wrinkles and grey hairs you’ve grown this year!
  • You’ve got half a century of accumulated knowledge and wisdom! That would be awesome… if you could remember any of it.
  • On your 50th birthday, take a walk down memory lane to remember all the good times… and all the bad times that made you who you are today.
  • Thanks for reminding me that I’m not as old as you. Happy Birthday you old fart!
  • If you’re feeling old on your 50th birthday, look on the bright side! This is the youngest you are ever going to celebrate.
  • Happy Birthday! You’re now at the age where your joints are making more noise than your mouth!
  • So you’re 50 years old. Hold on because you begin to pick up speed once you’re over that hill. Happy birthday!
  • Are you ready to celebrate your 50th birthday? We’re sending you off with a big bang by throwing you an epic party.
  • Happy 50th birthday! In your fifties, you can forget about mortgages, contraception, and school fees. You’ll probably forget everything else as well, but at least now you’ll have an excuse.
  • On your 50th birthday, don’t worry about getting older… just think of all the birthday cake you’ll get to eat!
  • As you turn 50, you may no longer be young… But nothing is stopping you from being 50 and thrifty. Happy birthday!
  • Happy 50th birthday! And if you’re feeling like a bit of a party animal, we’ve got you covered.
  • I would joke about you getting old, but I’m afraid you’ll laugh your teeth out. Happy 50th!
  • Some words of wisdom for your 50th birthday: don’t forget to smile while you still have your natural teeth!
  • Are you 50? Congratulations! I’m glad you’re celebrating your achievements with a big party.
  • Happy Birthday to someone who remembers what it was like to use a payphone, flip over a cassette tape, and get out of your chair to change the TV channel.
  • It’s just about gaining few more grey hairs than me, nothing else to be worried about. Happy 50th birthday!
funny 50th birthday wishes

Hilarious Funny 50th Birthday Wishes

If you’re looking for the best funny wishes for a 50th birthday, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 50 of the funniest, wisest, and most heartfelt wishes for a 50th birthday!

  • Your 50th birthday brings a whole new set of skills to the table. Now you can laugh, sneeze, cough, and pee… all at the same time! Congrats!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! Let me help you celebrate with some of my favorite memories and messages for your birthday.
  • Yo, you’re 50! You’ve been around for so many years, and we hope your life is just as exciting and rewarding. We’ve got a few birthday wishes to celebrate with you.
  • I’m good with numbers, and your age always fascinates me. I believe you’ve been here since the beginning of this universe!
  • It’s amazing how good you look for your age considering everything we’ve been up to over the years. Happy 50th!
  • If you can blow up all your birthday balloons, then you will officially earn the right of calling yourself young at fifty. Happy 50th birthday.
  • 50 is such a big number-it’s hard to believe the time has gone by so fast. So what are you finding yourself wishing for; blessed health, children, wealth?
  • Now the rest of your life will depend on whether you have fun by being nifty, or you become bored by being thrifty. The choice is yours. Happy 50th birthday.
  • At 50, you’re not old. You’re worn-out, impatient, jaded, set in your ways and weathered… but you’re not old. Happy 50th birthday!
  • Don’t ever let dad say you are getting old. You’re still as youthful and gorgeous as you were in your thirties. Happy 50th birthday, mom!
  • Congratulations on your 50th birthday! Let’s hope you make as much of a mess as possible tonight!
  • At 50, you’ve finally reached the age where you know what you want and you’re not afraid to go get it.
  • Don’t ever bother spending money on anti-aging creams or face-lifting lotions. At 50, there is no turning back even with a secret potion. Happy birthday old-timer.
  • Seeing you age is bittersweet. On one hand, I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. On the other hand, I’m so lucky to have been able to spend every day of it with you. Happy 50th birthday!
  • Wishing you lots of luck and love on your 50th birthday! May you have the time of your life celebrating this year.
  • If you haven’t grown up by age 50, we’re beginning to lose hope you ever will! Happy birthday.
  • Now that you’re 50 you’ve probably got more hair where you don’t want it and less hair where you do want it. You can’t fight it but at least you can still let your hair down and have fun on your birthday!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! It’s been a whole lotta pain, but hopefully, you’re getting better with age. Here’s wishing you a happy twilight years.
  • You know, for a 50th birthday celebration, I was expecting something in the order of an asteroid hitting Earth. Something dramatic and life-changing. But hey, it’s all good.
  • You know you’re getting old when the cake has run out of room for all the birthday candles. Here’s hoping there’s enough space for all 50!
  • The only thing that’s changed since you turned 50 is that now you’re officially closer to 60 than you are to 40. But don’t worry, you’ve still got plenty of time to act your age.
  • At 50, life is just a waiting game – waiting for your hairline to recede further, your waistline to expand, and your memory to start fading away.
  • They say that when you turn 50, you are still young enough to party like mad, yet old enough to know better. Have a great birthday!
  • Today, so many people will bring gifts for you. But since it’s difficult for you to keep all the gifts, I’m thinking of helping you by keeping them all.

Check out these:

Unique Funny 50th Birthday Wishes

  • Happy 50th Birthday! You don’t look even close to 50, and that’s a really, really annoying thing about you.
  • Now you’re no longer the oldest 40-something I know: you’re the youngest 50-something I know!
  • Today is your big 5-0. You may be big boned, wrinkling, and going grey… But at least you’ve got me! Happy birthday.
  • Happy 50th birthday! The Romans called it ‘L’, we say ‘fifty’ and some tribes in the Amazon don’t even have a word for numbers that big. In anyone’s language, it’s a number worth celebrating.
  • Do you know what the best part of turning 50 is? You get to know yourself better than ever before. I’m so excited for you.
  • They say that life begins at 40 – but it doesn’t really start to get interesting until you’re 50!
  • Turning 50 makes you wonder where the years have gone. Also, where are your keys? And what did you do with your glasses? And why did you walk into this room?
  • Now that you have a half-century of knowledge, the big question is – can you remember any of it? Best wishes on your big day!
  • Wishing you so much happiness and good health on your 50th birthday! May the next 50 bring only the best.
  • Sometimes I take you for granted, but I promise to always cherish your presence in my life. Happy 50th birthday!
  • I know it hurts to see people enjoying the fact that you are getting older and greyer. But you are not getting younger anyway. Happy 50th birthday, dad!
  • I’m so glad you were born! Otherwise, I would have been the oldest sibling, and that would have been really tough to deal with.
  • I’ve known you for so many years, and I must admit that you are much older today than you were when we first met. Happy 50th birthday, dear!
  • The older you get, the brighter your cake becomes. See? It’s all filled with burning candles. Have fun blowing!
  • It is never too late to grow up and stop acting stupid… Hopefully 50 is the year you finally take that advice to heart!
  • Let’s pretend you look 22, feel 18, and act 10… That means it’s time to celebrate your 50th birthday!
  • The best thing about turning 50 is that you now have the wisdom of experience and the energy of youth… so use them both wisely!
  • You know you’re 50 when you have a party and your neighbours don’t even realise.
  • If you thought I’d let you turn 50 without making jokes about your age, you have another thing coming Old Timer!
  • For your 50th birthday, I want to wish you good health so that we can grow old together and annoy each other for many more years to come.
  • Happy 50th Birthday! Welcome to the age where it’s no longer possible to find a birthday cake big enough to hold all your candles!
  • Growing older and growing wiser are two different cases. And I don’t blame you for that. Happy birthday my sweetheart!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! You may be showing your age, but at least you’re not acting it!
funny 50th birthday wishes

How do you say happy 50th birthday funny?

Wishing someone a happy 50th birthday is a great way to show them how much you care! Here are some of our favorite funny wishes for 50th birthdays:

  • Dear Mom, I hope you know how hard it is to find you a birthday gift every year because you have too many birthdays! Just kidding. Happy 50th birthday to you!
  • Are you 50? Celebrate with friends and family on your big day, but don’t forget to wish yourself a Happy Birthday!
  • 50 is a great age to be… old enough to know better, but young enough to still do stupid things!
  • Happy 50th birthday! Let’s get your really old highlights trending again. Text us an emoji of your choice to make this happen.
  • You’re my past, present, and future. I love you more than anything in this world. Happy 50th birthday!
  • Happy 50th birthday! Don’t let “The Man” tell you what people your age can do!
  • You’ve been in your thirties so many years. I’m quite unsure about your age this year. Maybe it’s the fifty. Happy birthday anyway!
  • They say that age is just a number. But apparently, 50 is a pretty big number.
  • If things continue to get better with age, you must be approaching amazing by now! Congrats on your 50th birthday.
  • The first 50 years are the hardest… the next 50 will be a breeze! Happy birthday!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! Sure, being young was fun, but now you’re older and wiser. Well, you’re older.
  • Welcome to the age where your brain starts going… and you can’t seem to find it again! Congratulations on being 50 years young!
  • Wishing you a fabulous 50th birthday full of laughter, joy and not more cake than what dieticians recommend for your age!
  • Turning 50? Look at it this way, at least all the bone-headed stuff you did as a kid happened before the internet existed. Have a great day!
  • Welcome to middle age. You may now begin your mid-life crisis. Have a great 50th birthday!
  • Don’t worry about getting older. You can still go for facelifts to wipe out the wrinkles. Happy birthday!
  • I believe you’re here since the dawn of time. Dinosaurs have gone extinct, but you are still here. Congratulations to you and happy 50th birthday, of course!

Check out these:

What are the best funny wishes for 50th birthday?

  • You deserve respect on your 50th birthday, so if anyone gives you sass today… Remind them they are speaking to an elder!
  • 50 years! How time flies! I’m so excited to celebrate with you on your special day.
  • Wishing you plenty of surprises, good food and lots of cake on this special day – happy 50th in moderation!
  • Welcome to middle age, my friend! Let’s celebrate your 50th birthday like there’s no tomorrow!
  • Happy 50th birthday! Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.
  • You may be officially over the hill, but you’re still as gorgeous as ever! Happy 50th birthday, beautiful!
  • Happy 50th birthday, bestie! You’ll always be my role model, and I’ll never forget how you made me laugh so much when we were young. Sending love.
  • 50 is an amazing age. You’ve survived half a century of trends, fads, and fashion changes!
  • Forget age. If you can still manage to blow out your birthday candles, everything is dandy! Happy 50th birthday!
  • Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and John Bon Jovi have already turned 50 and now one more superstar has joined the club. Happy 50th birthday!
  • It is never too late to grow up and stop being stupid. Maybe your 50th birthday is your chance to do just that. Happy birthday.
  • Every single birthday of yours is a reminder for me that I’m not the oldest person here! Happy 50th, cheers!
  • I know it’s hard to enjoy being old when you are old. But, hey, it’s okay if you ask me. I had just passed the same line a few years ago. Happy 50th birthday!
  • I always get my inspiration from you. You’re such a strong and courageous woman. I don’t think anyone else survived the dinosaurs except you!
  • If you were a dog, you would be 213 years old. So, don’t feel so bad about your age. At least you’re aging like a human. Happy 50th!
  • Don’t worry, they’re not wrinkles: they’re smile lines! Wow, you must have done a whole lot of smiling. Happy 50th birthday!
funny 50th birthday wishes

What are funny things to say happy birthday?

Funny wishes for 50th birthday are always the best. Whether you want to laugh or just reminisce, we’ve got you covered. Here are 50 of the best funny wishes for 50th birthday!

  • You’re 50 years old now – no more wasting time! Let’s get to it and have a wonderful day celebrating! Happy Birthday!
  • Yes, 50 is nifty… if you’re rich, slim, beautiful and famous. Happy un-nifty 50th birthday!
  • May your 50th birthday bring you as much joy and happiness as you’ve brought to all of us in your life. Happy Birthday!
  • You can’t hide your age to others. Your hair is turning gray, and wrinkles appearing. So, tell the truth, is it your 50th, or you’re lying.
  • I hope you already saved enough money for retirement. It’s time to count them all. Happy 50th birthday!
  • In math class, we were taught that you can always round a half up to a whole. So since you’re turning 50, I guess we can round your age up to 100!
  • They may be 30, flirty, and thriving… But you’re 50, nifty, and jiving! Happy 50th birthday.
  • Just you wait! There are 50 more years ahead of you. 50 more reasons to celebrate, 50 more years of memories to create, and 50 new adventures to tick off the bucket list.
  • Congratulations on surviving 50 years! Now it’s time to celebrate this fabulous milestone with friends and family.
  • I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but I love you anyway. You’re my best friend and my partner in crime. Happy 50th birthday!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! And guess what? Turns out you can have a little fun now that you’re a 50-year-old.
  • I wonder what your friends would gift you on your birthdays when you were my age? Ancient papyrus greeting cards?
  • I would make a joke about how old you’re getting, but I’m worried that if I hurt your feelings I might not get a chance to apologize to you since you are getting so old. Happy 50th!
  • A man never gets older, he can only get wiser. Remember this quote forever, and you’ll never feel sad. Happy birthday!
  • The best thing about turning 50 is that you can now say anything you want and people will just assume you’re senile!
  • You’ve reached an age where life throws you a lot of curves… just remember, it’s how you handle the bends that counts.
  • Don’t worry, those aren’t wrinkles, they are smile lines and each one is as beautiful as you. Wishing you all the best on your 50th birthday!
  • Today is the day you can pretend to be young even though you’re not. Happy 50th birthday, my love.